
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
Started an after school activity called PC.  He gets to spend twice a week working on fitness and increasing his athletic performance.  I love that he loves that stuff, I wish I could join him.

Updates on McKay -
She has set a goal to eat better.  She really struggles with eating healthy, she wants to snack and eat junk all day.  She doesn't really like much fruit and green beans is the only vegetable she will eat.  It's been hard but love that she has set this goal.

Updates on Stanley -
He is really struggling to listen and not yell or touch.  We have started a new discipline chart of taking time off his show time and it seems to have him at least thinking about his actions.  Hopefully he will continue to realize there are consequences.

Updates on Hazen -
This boy sure is letting his silly and cute personality show.
 He is so cute!
Officially in nursery!  I am serving in there right now so he's been in there for a couple months and does so well at letting me help with others kids.  He enjoys playing with friends and cars.

Lots of crafts for this weeks kindness activities...
 Valentines for friends far away.
 Gift for mail person.
 Picking up trash at the park.
Making a treat for Dad.
Invite new friends to make Love Shacks.
Making cupcakes for friends.
 Sunday bakeday!
Kindness is so fun! 

While picking up trash at the park it started to rain.  We decided to enjoy it instead of run especially cause it was a warm 70 degrees.
Lots of fun.

Since Dad was out of town all week and getting to go out, we decided to go to to eat one night.  Olive Garden for the win.
He is so proud he got food on the fork.

Alex got home Friday and we had planned to go to Ikea and all around.  The plan was to drop the kids off at the play area and get an hour just the two of us.  Well the kids area was full so this is what our alone time looked like.

Saturday we finally did get a date... we are finally playing soccer together again.

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