
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I didn't do well at keeping up and can't remember much about this week and updates on the kids.
Just the usually silliness...
Silly boys!

I spent a lot of time at the DMV this week trying to get my Texas Drivers licenses.  But didn't have all I needed after waiting almost 3 hours.  Went back again and somehow they didn't mention I needed my marriage license which I swear I don't, I am not changing my name, but the employee said I did so another wait for nothing.  Lots of wasted time this week!  Luckily the kids were pretty good during the long waits.

Hazen cut his finger really bad and we almost took him in to the ER.  Looking at it now it should heal fine but it probably could have used a stitch or two.  He reached into the recycled bin and pulled out a can.  I grabbed it from him and turned around to put it on the counter.  During that quick turn around he reached back into the bin and found the cans lid (which is normally in the can but must have fallen out) and cut his finger.  It was bleeding like crazy and I couldn't get him to stop wiggling.  Finally I held him down and got pressure on it.  And got him asleep.  Poor guy!
He did good keeping the bandaid on after that.  It should heal just fine.

Friday was the big day.  Clifton has been working so hard on studying 4,000 word list. I am so proud of all the effort he put into it.  Unfortunately we didn't make it through the whole list.
He did well!  Not as well as he had hoped.  He got a word we hadn't got to.  I know if we had talked about it he would have known how to spell it but we didn't.  The word was Corgi and he added an e at the end.  He made it about half way through and we are so dang proud!  He was among the winners of 3 school districts (middle and elementary).  He felt very defeated and it broke my heart.  But after some time talking he cheered up and the school was more than supportive.  As soon as he got back everyone we ran into on our way to class congratulated him for his hard work and let him know how proud they were.  I couldn't have asked for a better experience.  He even said he wants to try again next year and will give more time to studying the words.  I am so glad he came around and wants to try again.  Such a hard lesson to learn that we won't always win.  SO PROUD OF HIM!

That night we went out to the new Crumbl Cookie to celebrate his hard work.  YUM!

Saturday we enjoyed the nice weather and played outside.
Took a walk, feed some ducks, and played at a playground.  I sure like having sunny warm days in February. 

That night Alex and I went out with a few couple from our street.  They are so kind to invite us out.
Hitting the town with my man.  Apparently going out to eat is what they do here.  There is definitely a lot more options than Port Orchard and fancier ones.  
We both felt under dressed but had a nice evening out getting to know our neighbors.

Saturday was the fist of February and the start to our 14 days of kindness count down.

First day, clean each others room.

Sunday we heart attached each other.
I love this tradition!

Sunday we got ready for the Super Bowl...
Sunday bakeday!

Then Alex headed to DC for the week.

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