
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Homeschool now Online School

Updates on the kids - I have been working so hard to keep everyone happy, healthy, and busy.  I haven't been keeping up to date on this and am behind again.

Monday was the first day of online school...
Hazen really wanted to be apart of what everyone else was doing.  It was a rough day!  Now I am doing what teachers are asking the kids to do not my own fun things.  We all had our turn at crying and yelling.  Entertaining Stanley and Hazen while they are working on school and need my help was enough to make me go mad.  ROUGH START!
Thank goodness for a hubby who noticed I needed to get out and run.  And for the rain.  A good sweat it out run in the rain was exactly what I needed after that day.

Day 2 another rough day.  McKay and Clifton need so much help and like to tell me I don't know or understand what their assignment is.
But we got through the day.

The rest of the week was better!  McKay and Clifton knew how to get where they needed to find the assignment and get going.  They still needed help and we still fought but we had a routine and knew what was going on.
McKay and Clifton enjoy doing their work together and make forts to do it in everyday.

Some art activities from the week.  I enjoyed being able to be in charge of their art and PE.
 Rain art.  Colored with different types of water proof colors then let it sit in the rain.
 Hazen really likes doing what his siblings are doing.
 Sending air hugs to friends!
 Making cards for assisted living center.
Bubble art.
Moving art.

PE for the week.
 We found a scorpion on our walk!
 McKay refuses to bike.  But we added training wheel to her big girl bike and she gave it a go.
 Clifton helping Stanley peddle.
Then we took it inside when the rain started.  They loved this and we did it at least 3 more times that week.
Hand ball inside.

Wednesday was April fools.  
 I still had fun.  Clifton woke up and caught me but then feel back asleep.
Then the kids got me back with hep from Alex.  It was a fun day.  Alex made brownies the night before and none of the kids would eat them because they were worried it was a trick.  Win for us!

Trying to make sure I get some sweaty self care time in.  Which means sometimes I have a kiddos joining me.  I need my time alone but I told them if they didn't ask questions or stop me from working out they could join me. (I know I ma the best mom ever, ha).
 She is so cute!
Clifton inking with me as I run.
Mixxedfit with friends is probably my favorite time of the week.

Saturday and Sunday was General Conference weekend.  Much needed to hear the words of the prophets and apostles.  A very historic conference.  No now in the audience and prerecorded music.  And a theme about Joseph Smith.  Definitely one that we won't forget.
Lots of food, cuddles, and walks to get our energy out.

Sunday Bakeday!  Cute Easter Bunny cupcakes.
We even dropped some off at a friends house and got to wave from a far.  We miss friends! 

Other fun from the week...
Date night! We are trying to keep up the Friday date nights at home.  This week spa night.  Homemade chocolate face masks.  Alex was thrilled but didn't mind the massage, ha.

Helping Daddy work.

Neighborhood Covid 19 photo shoot from our porches.
Such a cute idea to add some fun to these hard times.

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