
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton had his last soccer game of the season.  8 games in 2 weeks was a lot but we wee so grateful that he was able to finish the season.  What a great team his was on, we love the kids and parents and hope to play with them again soon.

Updates on McKay -
Got to have a performance for Singers Company.  I didn't push her to practice much, but she was excited to see her friends again and to put on a show for the family.

Updates on Stanley -
Has had a really really rough couple weeks.  He does everything he can to annoy everyone.  He hits, spits, pokes, steals, screams, cries, all day long.  I just not sure what he wants or how to give him what he wants.  I am obviously not meeting his needs and his attitude is horrible.  I just don't understand him.  Praying I can learn to understand and meet his needs.

Updates on Hazen -
Such a ham.  Silly, fearless, and full of joy.  He is learning to talk more and says things in such cute ways.  He calls lots of people that he doesn't know their name Bobby and its hilarious!  He loves Captian Cuddles and calls him Cuggles.  He is active and wild but boy he is so much fun.

Monday was supposed to be cooler only in the 80's.  We headed to the park early in the morning and it got hot quick.
 But we had fun while we could stand heat.
So of course we had to beat the heat by playing at our pool.

Tuesday was a rainy day.  We entertained ourselves inside and played outside whenever the rain stopped.
 I forget how hard rainy days are!
 But by the evening it stopped and it was cooler cause of the rain so we enjoyed a nice walk/scooter.

Wednesday we meet up with friends at a park.  I heard it had a splash pad so I brought the kids swim suits but not mine.  Well it also had pool and we decided to go with the flow and take the kids.  I have learned to carry a swim suit with me from now on.  I had a tank top and shorts that worked but I would have felt better in a swim suit.  The kids had a blast we played for hours!
 It is so nice to have friends to play with.  The kids played happily the whole time and it was no nice to have someone to talk to.  What a wonderful day!

 And we loved getting together with them to play throughout the week.  Man having good friends makes a big difference.

We started doing swim lessons with our friends daughter at our neighborhood pool.  The kids already love her cause she babysits for us.
 Hopefully they will be swimming confidently by the end of the summer.

Friday McKay had a performance for Singers Company.  She was so happy she still got to perform.  I didn't make her practice as much as I should but enjoyed watching her do her thing.
 Such a cute group of girls.  We sure hope things are open in fall and we can do the group again.

Saturday fun.  first chores and we taught Clifton how to mow the lawn.  He looks small behind the mower!
 But did a pretty good job.
Then we headed to Clifton's last soccer game.  He is so happy that he got to play the rest of his games even though he thought he might die from the heat.  We enjoyed watching him and his team is such a fun and wonderful team.  We sure hope we can play with them again.  Great people!
A caught a goal from Clifton.

Then we played with our friends.
 So thankful to have them!

That night I taught a Mixxedfit class and so thankful for these ladies keeping me motivated.

Sunday we started the day with a much needed hair cut for the boys.  Thats a lot of hair and three shades.
 I'm getting pretty good at boys hair cuts!

Then getting ready for church.  Hazen was getting ready too.
 Silly boy!

 Last Sunday was rough for me with trying to go to church.  I really enjoy what we have going at home.  I do love our Sunday's at home.
 Clifton updated our podium.

Then American donuts! Sunday bakeday...
 They turned out great!  I am actually impressed with ourselves on this one.  Maybe we should stick to donut making.

Some other fun from the week... Captain Cuddles
 Treasure has decided to tolerate him.
 He has been such a treat to have in our family!

And Alex got hurt at soccer.  He needs to go into the doctors but doesn't really want to.
Hopefully it heals soon!  life isn't fun with a gimpy dad ;)

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