
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Updates on Clifton -
Is thrilled MLS has started back up.  Him and Alex watch it as often as they can, doesn't matter who's playing.

Updates on McKay -
She has been begging to get a hair cut.  I have been doing the boys at home but pretty sure I shouldn't try to cut hers.  So we put our masks on and headed to Great Clips.
 She hates brushing her hair so this is nice and its so hot here that I am sure it feels good cut.  She's a cutie!

Updates on Stanley -
He has been so hard for me lately.  He loves to hit and to make his brother Hazen scream.  He is always sticking his tongue out at me and we are bumping heads.  I am sure I can do better and not get so upset but I sure hope we can figure things out.  I am tired and he seems tired of it too.

Updates on Hazen -
He says and does the cutest things.  He calls one of our new fiends Bob (his name is Preston), I am not sure why he does but its quite hilarious.  He also calls Captain Cuddles, Cuggles.  He isn't great and speaking but sure knows how to get his point across.  He is so brave in the water!  He fist bumps himself and makes it explode, it's probably my favorite thing he does.  He says love you, "la lo".  He always says thank you, "t to".  He loves telling everyone its dinner time, "hey inner."
This week we played hard with friends.  And it sure makes me so very happy to have friends and to have a busy house.
 Street hockey.
 Girls talked the boys into playing Pretty Pretty Princess.

 We don't have a pool in our back yard but we make the best of hat we have.  Squirt gun fight.
 Art time.
 Full house of laughter and fun.  I don't mind it one bit!
 Sitting still laser tag.  Silly boys.  They went outside to play but came in a minute later cause it was too hot.
 Many rides on our friends golf cart.  The kids insist we need one now.  Just need to get Alex on board!
 Playing at the pool almost everyday.  Hazen's chubby checks in goggles is hilariously cute!
 Face/body painting.
 Boys being silly!
 I had a great turn out for my Mixxedfit class Tuesday!

We tried out a new park this week and loved it.  It is a dragon themed park and super fun.
 Bicentennial Park was fun.

MLS soccer started up again this week!!!!
 Couldn't be more thrilled about it.  Although the Sounders look like they haven't played in 4 months (oh wait they haven't).  Hoping they can back with it and finish the season off strong.
 Captain Cuddles was happy soccer was back too.

Saturday we went to explore the Nature Center in Fort Worth.  We learned about the animals here and the different habitats.
 We had the place to ourselves!  The kids were so happy to get out they don't mind wearing masks.
 Alex decided when we went outside that his mask will now be a bold spot covering form the sun!  HAHA
After we learned about the different animals we went on a short hike.

Sunday was another church day at home.  Stanley has been giving me a run for his money lately and refused to give a talk today until his sweet sister asked to help him write it.  It was a sweet moment to watch and I was so proud of McKay for stepping up and helping both Stanley and me out when we were butting heads.

For primary we made prayer rocks.
 Finding rocks in Texas isn't as easy as in Washington and its a little scary to see what might be under the rocks.  But we found some and nothing scary under them.

McKay asked to do my makeup.  Since we aren't going anywhere why not.  I picked light colors so it looked fine.  McKay went a little bolder.
 Then Moose Track Popcorn for our Sunday bakeday.
 The caramel was a little to chewy but it was yummy.

Other fun things from this week....
Captain Cuddles love human food.  And tries to eat it any chance he gets.
 We are always having to busy him away form our food.
But I think I know why he keeps coming back.  Little fingers under the table feeding him!
 Little stinkers.
But he sure lives up to his name and loves to cuddle.
And we sure are enjoying having him in our family.
 Hazen wanted to brush his teeth.

I am also getting ready to go on a backpacking trip in Washington with my favorite ladies.  I had to get a few new things to be prepared.
So excited!

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