
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Continuing to light the world!  Secret acts of kindness to each other...

Cake for a friend who works in health care.
Cookies for a neighbor we don't know very well.

 Busy week!  Clifton offered to clean garbage cans and did a drive way to earn money to buy Christmas gifts for his siblings and friends.

He did a great job but boy that keeps me super busy driving him around everywhere.
McKay and I got matching haircuts!
Clifton took second place in his school spelling bee.  They tied the first try (450 every word was spelled correct) so they gave them a new list to study over night.  Sadly it was a busy night for us so he did as much studying as he could and this words are NOT easy!  He gave it his best but came in second.  Super proud of him!

Grandma Stanley got in town just in time for more Christmas fun.  McKay performed at Texas Motor Speedway Lights so we all got to go enjoy the festivities.

And enjoyed her performance!

Saturday we got up early and headed tot he school district Reindeer Romp Race

Clifton and I ran a mile with Stanley and McKay, then we did the 5k.  Well I guess the time has come!  Clifton beat me, he's a fast one.  I was proud of myself though.  I injured both legs and still struggling with them to get back fully, but I haven't ran under 8 minute mile pace in a while and I was able to do it that morning.  Not were I want to be but I am happy with what I can do.

Then McKay planned a craft night and invited neighborhood kids for 10$ each.  She made 60$ for Christmas gifts and had fun.  

Sunday bake day we made cookie plates full of yummy treats for friends.  Then went and handed out cards and treats to some.

Each kid did a great job participating!

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