
Thursday, March 17, 2022

Alex traveled for work again for the first time since covid.  And boy did it take some getting use too.  Ha just remembering I can't leave kids to pick ip other kids or run to the store.  We have been very spoiled with him working from home so it took me a minute to get use to it.

Monday we couldn't use the church gym to play volleyball but wanted to get moving.  So we went for a hike.  It was the perfect day, cold at first but a great day to hike.

The kids almost walked the whole 3 miles.  Love it!

More kindness fun.  Chalking friends driveways.

And my favorite (especially since we haven't been able to do it in a long time) handing out flowers and valentines at an assisted living center.

Man do I love how much my kids can make someone's day.  I sure hope they feel that power and continue ti use it all the time.

Why we love you videos for the grandparents.
I love how they turned out.

Sunday was the Super Bowl.  We didn't really care who won but were excited for a good game, half time show and commercials.

Lots of pregame celebrations...

Picking the winners.  

We had our friends join us and enjoyed the game.  The kids were super cute during the half time show.

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