
Thursday, March 17, 2022

Soccer season has started!!!!  And sadly to was a COLD cold week.  Alex was out of town again so we had to do this on our own but the kids did great mostly hide in the car to keep warm.
I am catching Clifton's team again.  this might be the last season I get to. McKay started as well but her practices this week were canceled.

Hazen's new thing is playing Uno and I love it.  We play lots and lots of Uno each day.

School canceled again due to ice.  The kids made the most out of it.  They amazing me and find joy in the cold weather and didn't let it stop them from getting outside.


We decided to get out of the house too. Once the sun came out the roads weren't bad.

We went to play with friends at the church gym.  Friends make everything better.

Alex got home safe Friday.  Because of the cold and ice practices were canceled so we took the opportunity to go on a date night.  We went to a thrift store picked out each others outfits (staying under 20$) and then went out to get a treat.

Such a fun and silly night.  I sure love that Alex is willing to be a goof with me.
We look good!

Saturday the ladies and I went out to try a Bungee workout.  It was a lot of fun.  I would love to go back.

You wouldn't believe it but another pipe burst in our church building! So another Sunday doing at home church!

But good news Sounders season starts!

Let's go!

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