
Friday, October 21, 2022

This week Alex was out of town for the week.  McKay saw I needed help and offered to help get Hazen in bed.


Halloween costumes are coming in!  Hazen is happy with his.

Stanley gets such cute little love letters from his friend and I love it.

So dang cute!

Fun halloween art this week.

The weather has been so nice in the mornings we have started to scooter or bike to school. 

Silly McKay... I went to wake her up one mornignand didn't see her in bed.  Took me a second to see her on the floor asleep.

So very proud of Stanley.  He is very much trying.  This week we were also informed that he has been approved of extra help at school.  he is being pulled to focus on reading and writing with a teacher one on one.  I am very thankful and think this will help him grow leaps and bounds.

Nothing better than getting messages like these especially from a kid where we got a lot of messages that said the opposite.

Friday night Clifton got to be on the field for the opening ceremonies of the high school football game.  so we decided to stay watch the game and watch some of the youth in our ward perform int he band.

Fun night.  High school stadiums in Texas are crazy.

Saturday we acted like it was summer again and spent the morning at the pool basically by ourselves.  McKay went to play at a friends house.  Clifton and Alex went to get hair cuts.

Found a cool lizard.
And flagged down the ice cream man.

Saturday's family adventure... Olympic Games.  Each kid made a game to compete in.

It was a good night but there was a lot of fighting and lots of tears.  We are a tad bit competitive.

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