
Saturday, February 25, 2023

This week was a blur!  SO busy and crazy.

But it started right.  Valentines day.  Love sing my kids feel loved.

They are the best valentines.  Sadly Alex and I didn't get to see each other till it was time for bed but he is hands down my favorite.  And he surprised me with new art to hang up.  I have been missing my PNW SO much and he thought this might help.  It does.  I LOVE seeing trees, water and the beauty every day.

Hazens rash has been gone for sometime but his poor finger nails have been falling off.  It is so weird and gross.  Come to find out its a side effect to Hand Foot and mouth I was told Hazen didn't have.  Haha well I guess he had it and sadly even though he is better this is normal the weeks after getting it.

All week my energy was focused on putting on our ward Valentines dance.  There was some major set backs and horrible communication.  the gym went under construction and we couldn't use that space, although I was told we could use it.  It should be fine with all the construction going on.  Well it wasn't and the construction workers asked us to not be in the room at all.  SO plan B last minute.  Moving it into the primary and RS room.  We have the world tiniest LDS building so I wasn't sure how it would go.  But it turned out well.  I think everyone had a blast.  I was hoping for more people but they ones that came seemed to have fun.

Now to sleep and recover from all the stress!  Oh wait now I need to change plans for our combined youth activity this week cause we can't use the gym.  UGH... 

Love a stranger and then report kind action done at dinner.

Kindess rocks
Valentines for assisted living center
Heart Attack friends
Chalk friends driveway with kind words.
Cookies for neighbors.

Making our valentines for friends

This week for Young Women... heart attacks friends in the ward that might need a little extra love.

Sewing heart pillows for kids in the hospital that will need to have open heart surgery.

Love that these girls want to serve and make a difference in the world.

Super bowl was very low key for us this year and we didn't mind that one bit.

Cats made their choices and both were wrong.  

    Well the weeks taste normal.  Got the kids up and out the door to school to get a call about 10 minutes laster that we need to go pick up the kids, a stop is coming our way.  It was a hot mess picking them up, took over an hour.  It started to snow, freezing rain.  Luckily I made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby for some craft supplies before it hit.  So we spent the day crafting and playing in the lice/snow.

Tuesday no school and the rest of the week!  Temps never rose above freezing and everything is covered in ice.

Main Event was still open and a little over a mile away.  I figured we could try out the roads.  And decided to make trips so we could take some friends from the neighborhood.  We had the joint to ourselves.  It was a blast!

Do my kids know how lucky they are :) haha kidding I needed to get out of the house as much as they did.

 Trying to make the most of extra time with our kids.  S'mores by the fireplace and games.

The boys are addicted to cup pong ;)

The next day was one of McKays friends birthday.  We went over to give her a gift and decided to have her and her brother come play for the day.

Always fun to have friends over!
Then we had an airplane competition that night as a family.
February hit and its time for 14 days of kindness countdown.  Thankfully the first few we can do at home.

Heart Attack each other.
Thank you letters
Valentines coupons for each other.
Valentines for Grandparents.

Making love shacks with friends.

Last day off the ice storm.  We decided we needed to go out for a walk and check out what we could find.

Pretty icy!
More friend over!  Makes my heart happy.

Friday it all melted away by the evening.  And warmed up, we had to get outside and enjoy the warmth.

Saturday we decided to get out and explore a new place.  Hazen suggested miniature golf, we found the cute place.  Everyone had the same idea.  It was very full but we had a lot of fun!