
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Holiday break is over and my mom has headed home back to the normal grind.  First combined activity of the year.  Scripture cake decorating!

It was a lot of work but I think it turned out great!

Love my one on one time with Hazen.

Stanley started a ninja class and its a perfect fit for him.

Family time...  Building a sculpture out of food.

His name is Gary and I think he's pretty handsome.

Saturday I got to participate in a dance fundraiser for sex traffic victims.

I felt so priviledged to dance with these ladies and be apart of this fundraiser.

Poor Hazen got a rash. The doctor said it looks like hand foot and mouth but since he doesn't have a fever or sores inside his mouth it was probably just some sort of virus that we will need to let run its course. 

Poor guy.  He actually feels just fine but looks horrible.  So we had lots of snuggles!


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