
Thursday, May 4, 2023

 Alex went out of town this week and it was a doozy of a week.  Soccer every night!

McKay and I started a new tradition.  After the littles go to bed, she plays with my hair while we watch a make up show on Netflix together.

Its fun to have that one on one time with her.

We also found that a nest in our tree got knocked over by something.  Most of the eggs were cracked but one was still looking ok.  We quickly picked it up and tried to save it.   ran to get a heat lamp and actually think I cooked it, doh.  I think I put it too close to the lamp.  Well we tried.

Soccer all week and ended the week with more soccer on Saturday.  Had to make up for all those canceled games due to storms.
Man that was a week!

Sunday I got to sub in primary,  man do I forget how much I love primary.

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