
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween Fun

Updates on Clifton -
The last couple weeks Clifton's temperament seems to be changing.  Clifton is all of the sudden not letting us leave his sight.  He has been good about us leaving and never really cared too much before but now he screams and screams til he turns blue.  He is also starting to be afraid of strangers.  If he has not seen you often enough he is scared of you.  Before he would pretty much say hi and run up to anyone.  Clifton's love for Thomas the Train has grown and he asks to watch it all day long.  He will actually sit and watch it (which is a big deal for him).

This week we had some fun getting ready for Halloween.  For FHE this week we decorated pumpkins with MR. Potato Head parts.  Our neighbors did it and I thought it was so cute I had to steal the idea.  It was lots of fun and I think they turned out super cute.

Tuesday we had a play group at Amy Neal's house.  She made Halloween cookies for the kids to decorate. Clifton actually did well at decorating.  I thought he would just eat it.  But he helped spread the frosting and put sprinkles and candy on it.  We had lots of fun getting out of the house and being with friends:) 

Friday we went to a little pumpkin patch in town with our friends, the Ports.  They had all different types of pumpkins.  Clifton of course found the tractor first and had to play on it!  They also had little stuffed farm animals to ride on and a little tree swing.

 This is what Alex and I do for entertainment!  Dufur has started sleeping on the changing pad all day so we thought it would be fun to put a diaper on him.  I was surprised he actually let us.  It did not last very long but we all got a good laugh out of it.

Clifton thinks it is fun to sit at the computer and pretends to use it.  I think it is cute how he imitates things he sees.
Our neighbor was selling his daughter's bed frame for 40 dollars.  I thought it was a steal.  It is cute, in great shape, low to the ground, and is from IKEA (which is where we get all of our furniture - love IKEA).  I was wicked excited to have found it! Clifton thinks it is pretty cool too.

30 weeks and feeling like it!  All is well just real tired and aching.  Normal but I forgot how much I dislike the last little bit. I often wonder how I could love another little one as much as I love Clifton.  However I have come to realize that I did not think I could love Clifton this much:)

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