
Monday, October 3, 2011


Updates on Clifton -
He is starting to copy words that we are saying more and more.  We say something and he will try and repeat it.  We sure love when he jibber jabbers.  He had his 18 month doctors appointment and all is going well.  He has gain 2 pounds for a total of 22 pounds!  We have finally broke past that 20 pounds.  He is 33 inches tall.  He is getting bigger and bigger each time we look at him and I just cannot believe how much he keeps growing up.  They really do grow fast.

This weekend we escaped away to Portland to visit my family.  It was nice to get out and do things with the fam:)  Friday we went to the park with the whole family and had a little pizza picnic.  It was perfect weather and an enjoyable evening.

Clifton loved playing at the park.  We absolutely love this picture.  He is so stinking cute.  Well we might be a little bias.

Later that night we all went to get doughnuts at the famous Voo Doo Doughnuts.
I decided to get an Oreo doughnut with white frosting.  It was delicious!  Alex got an Oreo doughnut but with chocolate frosting with peanut butter drizzled on top.  It was good but mine was the best!

The next morning we went to a pumpkin patch with my brother and his cute little family!  It was a real cute pumpkin patch. 
Clifton loved this pumpkin patch because it had all sorts of tractors!  Big ones and toy ones his size.  He loved the little tractors he could ride on.  He also loved being pulled around behind the tractor by his cousins.  I thought we were going to have to leave with one!

They also had a petting zoo.  Clifton liked watch all the animals and feeding the goats.  Clifton thought the turkeys were so funny.  He would go over and point at them and laugh.  I am not going to lie they are funny looking.  I liked the donkey.  He was the nicest donkey I have ever met!

 Alex had a little one on one photo shoot with this ugly duck.

We also got to make the feed for the animals.  That little thing takes all the corn of the cob.

 There were also duck races.  Alex tried to take my brother on but lost:(  Clifton enjoyed watching and trying to help pump the water out to make the ducks go.  Alex and Clifton could have spent all day there.

 Next we got to launch some pumpkins!  They had targets/buckets to try and hit and you won a prize.  Unfortunately Alex did not hit the target so I did not get the prize.  But it was fun to launch pumpkins.  That was another place Alex could have stayed all day.

We then went on a hay ride up to the pumpkin patch to pick us some pumpkins.  A tractor was pulling the ride and Clifton loved it. 
We went and found us some pumpkins.  Clifton loved riding in the wheel barrow.

My brother and sister in law did not want or need their train set anymore and gave it to Clifton.  So nice!!!!!  Clifton LOVES it!  Alex loves it too.  I went down to make dinner Sunday and Clifton came with me.  About 30 minutes to an hour later we had not seen Alex.  I figured he was doing something with his fantasy football but when we went up stairs to get him for dinner he was setting up the train tracks all special like (just to have Clifton ruin it).  Alex is such a little boy at heart.  It is cute!

Well I am officially in the 3rd trimester.  The worst one (for me).  I just get real tired and lack motivation to move.  But I will survive!  I got results back from my GD test and I failed:(  They had me come back in and take the three hour test.  Oh my goodness can you say boring!  I tried to bring scriptures and read but there were kids running around in the waiting room and I could not focus.  I read a chapter and then thought back and realized I had no idea what I just read.  So I just flipped through magazines and watched toy story (which was playing in the waiting room).  Every hour they came and took my blood and made me pee in a cup.  I was not sure if I had any blood or pee left in me after the test.  Well after all that the test results came back fine and I do not have GD thank goodness.  I was not sure if I could give up my Oreos:)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip--I didn't know you had family in Portland. My brother lives there...well, in Beaverton. Anyway. Very cute pictures. I need to go research pumpkin patch options now...
