
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Temple Trip

Updates on Clifton -
New words - door and thank you

Well this week was a sick week.  Clifton started the week out sick got better and then ended the week sick:(  But he is a happy little guy and fights through it.  Now we will just see who will be sick this week Alex or me.  Or both!  Oh the joy of sharing germs:)

So we unpacked from one weekend to pack for another weekend away.  This week we went to Bellevue to visit family and friends.

Clifton and Dufur (our cat) are so helpful at packing!

 Alex and I went to a session at the Seattle temple with his family.  It was much needed and really enjoyable.  I am so lucky to be apart of his family and have always felt like I fit right in.  It was nice to go together and experience the feeling of being together forever.  I was real worried about leaving Clifton for so long and the sitters (our nieces) not being able to get a hold of us but all went well.  He enjoys spending time with his nieces and nephews and I knew they would take good care of him.

That night I went out with Alex sister and niece to see Dolphin Tale.  Our niece and I went to see the movie for the dolphin, Winter and her story but his sister went to see the movie for Harry Connick Jr.  A very cute movie!  I had a fun little girls night out and hope to do it again.

 The next day we were able to go and visit some friends in Redmond.  It was a short visit due to Clifton not feeling well.  But we always love catching up with them.  Obviously we are both expecting!  

29 weeks pregnant!  Feeling big and looking big.  But so far a smooth pregnancy.  I am getting nervous about baby number two coming and how it is going to change our little family.  I am excited but to be honest a little more nervous then excited.  I just hope I can get the hang of it and handle what will come.  I know it will not be easy and I know I have lots of help if I need it but it is still a BIG change.  

We are starting to poll what everyone thinks  -

Is it a boy or a girl (Stanley or McKay)?  I think a boy and Alex thinks a girl.  We are happy with either but it is always fun to guess.

When will baby arrive? I think the 28th of Dec and Alex is crazy and wishful and thinks the 13th of Dec.  Our doctor is guessing the 26th.  I am not allowing any guesses in Jan because we need to have the baby this year so don't jinx me!


  1. I think you'll have a little boy on Dec. 22. :o) ~Melinda

  2. I can handle the 22nd. I like it!

  3. The 23rd is my hubby's birthday. Maybe you'll get a boy on that day. Or a girl.... since we only have girls.

  4. 23rd is my official due date! So it could happen.
