
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Updates on Clifton -
He has been making sentences for a while now but he now sometimes puts words together and makes them one word when they should be two or three different words. It makes me giggle. He is such a joy and we love having him in our lives:)
Silly boys!

Updates on McKay -
She is officially our little cat napper.  She only naps for about a half an hour.  So some days it is 3 or 4 cat naps and that's it.  I am not too fond of it, but this too shall pass.  She does pretty well at night so I will take that.  She is our early riser, too:/  Just when I thought Clifton's six am wake up call was bad McKay comes along with a five am wake up call.  Sleep will happen again some day, maybe!?!

She is cute though:) Cowgirl McKay!

She sat in the high chair for the first time.  We had some friends over for dinner and thought putting the bumbo on the table was not appropriate and we did not have enough room so we put her in the high chair.  She looked so tiny in it... I think I will keep her in the bumbo to eat a little longer.

For our FHE activity, we went on a bike ride to a park.

 McKay got in a swing the first time.  She liked it!
 Not as much as Clifton, though.  He loves it:)

We had a few sunny days this week and we took full advantage of them.  
 I got the small kids' pool out and filled it with water and bubbles and let the boys splash in it.  The had a blast and played for almost two hours in the water.
 We painted the sidewalk with sidewalk paint. 
 I got the boys some cheap squirt guns.  I am not a big fan of pretend weapons for toys, but I felt this was okay and something that I had to be paying 100% attention to to keep an eye on them so it would not turn into rough play.  They totally loved it.  I love Clifton's shooting face!
 Sprinkler time!
It was still a little too chilly for it so Clifton needed to cuddle in a towel to recover.

For Fathers Day the kids and I made Alex a shirt and Evan made his dad a shirt.  
 Long story short it did not turn out as planned.  Due to lack of reading instructions.  Last time I used the iron on stuff it had a clear background and I just assumed this one did so I made the letters light to go on a dark shirt come to find out it was on a white background.  Oh well it turned out cute.  The boys really liked painting there hands and making hand prints.  Funny thing is I just thought of the idea and a few days later at WalMart they had a kit that had a shirt that said the same thing and paint to make hand prints. Who knew:/

 Friday Alex and I went out on a date.  Alex being the sweetheart he is brought home flowers.  We went to see Avengers.  It was a long movie so it made me nervous to leave McKay that long.  There is something about leaving my babies for a long time that still makes me nervous.  But I am glad we went out.  We had fun and she did just fine without me.

Saturday we went to Alex's parents' house to celebrate Fathers' day and June birthdays.  For Fathers' day Alex's dad wanted help with his yard.  So the boys got busy working hard.

 Clifton liked watching Andrew pressure wash and getting a little wet too.
And then jumping in the puddles he left behind.
Clifton also helped move branches into the burn pile.
Then decided to become part of the burn pile.  Silly kiddo!

 Clifton was very sweet and would pick up flowers and give them to me.
Baby Kay and I wearing flowers Clifton gave to us.
Cousin time!

 Since Fathers' day just happened I wanted to talk about Alex.  Well brag... The kids and I are so lucky to have him in our lives.  We all love him very much.  He is the best father and husband anyone could ask for:)  He is so involved in McKay and Clifton's lives and always willing to help with them.

Well another week and another pound down.  I guess I can only lose a pound a week.  But hey it is negative.  Five more (so probably five more weeks).  I did not get a long run in this week:(  Real busy.  But I will get it in next week. I do not want to lose my progress.  I am hoping to have time for a 13 mile run.  I have been considering trying to do a half marathon and a full marathon this summer, but have not decided if that is pushing myself too hard.  We will see.  I would love to do a full marathon!!!!!  But it might need to wait until next summer.

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