
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Time

Updates on Clifton-
Clifton asks to say the prayers these days and I love it.  He of course needs help and only says a few words of what we say but he starts and ends the prayer properly.  It is very cute!!!!
He is a good boy!  This week I sat back a lot and watched him play.  He loves his cars and could play with them all day.  I really enjoy listening to the dialogue he gives the cars and watching him play.  He is growing up:)  I love him oh so much!

Well we decided to do our monthly hair cuts for the boys.  Alex shaves his by himself and just needs me to touch up.  He decided he wanted to trim his beard as well and switched the clippers to a two.  When he asked me to come help touch up the back I grab the clippers and started.  I paused after the first shave and had a look of confusion.  Alex saw my look in the mirror and immediately realized he still had a two on the clippers.  So it was time to buzz the rest of his head! We then went to cut Clifton's hair and decided we wanted him to match his Daddy.  So we shaved his as well.   He has such blonde hair he kind of looks bald:/  Oh well it is just hair and it will grow back.  Plus he is still super cute.  My two shaved-headed boys!

Updates on McKay -
She got thrush again:(  I worry about her all the time, but that is just who I am... a worrier.  Anyway she still has a cough.  It has seriously been over a month.  It is not a horrible cough but it is still lingering.  But we have a doctor's appointment this next week and that will hopefully put me at ease.
Alex has been able to get her giggling more and more.  She is definitely having more and more personality these days. It is fun to watch her grow.  It is happening a little too fast though:/
 This picture shows just how crazy she is.  If there is anything near her, she will try anything to get it.  She is crazy!   Never done wiggling.  Alex's face is funny too:)

For our FHE activity we made a pizza for dinner.  Clifton loves pizza and was so excited to make one.  It was a lot of fun and the pizza turned out great.  I will totally do it again.

Well Summer officially started this week and we saw two days of it.  I will take it.  Those two days and even one glum day we got out and enjoyed being outside.

Our ward play group has started again for the summer!  I love getting out with friends and so does Clifton.  We usually go to a park.
His new way to go down a slide:)

Wednesday the library puts together shows at the gazebo on the bay.  (I love our library, they are always doing fun things!) I also signed McKay and Clifton up for the summer reading program.  The goal is to read 10 hours total to each of them by August and they can get a free book and go to the library end of summer party.  I love that I signed them up.  It is great for Alex and I to be motivated to read to them more and for them to start young with a love for reading.
 While we were waiting for that to start the boys wanted to go walk on the sand while the tide was out.
 The show this week was a one man band/juggler/puppeteer.  He was fun to watch and the boys liked it too!  They got a little tired at the end but that is expected with two year olds during an hour-long show.
We live right next to a golf course and they have tons of beautiful trails to walk.  This one had a pond that the boys could throw rocks into.  It was a nice walk and they both really enjoyed it.

  One day was even warm enough to get the sprinkler out for a little.
The boys needed a towel to warm up afterwards!

Thursday nights during the Summer, Port Orchard puts on "Concerts on the Bay".  Local bands play music at the Gazebo and it is free for everyone.  The kids and I decided to go.  I really enjoyed it.  It was a beautiful night and the band was fun.  The played oldies (60's/70's) music. 
Clifton dancing to the music.  How can you not love this boy?  He is so cute and funny!
While we were sitting listening to the music I spotted a submarine coming into the Bremerton Base across the water.  It was really cool to see.  If you look close enough you can see two boats leading the sub into the base.

Saturday Port Orchard had a 5k.  
Alex and Clifton made a sign to cheer me on.  They are so cute and thoughtful.  I really appreciated it because running takes me away from them and it is nice to know they support what I am doing and are proud of me.  (I got myself a good husband)
 Clifton cheering me on!  Love him:)

 I was hoping to finish under 26 minutes but did not quite make it:(  Close!  It was a trail run which was different for me.  Not only was I trying to go fast but I had to make sure I did not trip over a root or step on a slug!  It was a beautiful run but I think I might stick to running on paved roads:)  Next 5k hopefully I can beat my time and get it under 26 minutes.

Well this week I lost 2 pounds!  Woot woot!  I am getting so close and I am very excited.  I feel great.  So I need to decide on what I want to do with my hair, because when I reach my goal I get to have a makeover. (Got to give myself a reward)  I was thinking keeping it longer, getting bangs and trimming it up.  It has been a while since I had it long.  But I do like short hair.  So I am not sure.  Suggestions?  Opinions?

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