
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Silly kids!

Updates on Clifton -
He went to nursery today!!!!!  I stayed with him for about five to ten minutes and then left after he was playing.  No tears!  Nothing!!!  Hopefully this becomes the trend:)  But we shall see.
He will sit on the toilet sometimes when I ask.  Which is a huge step.  I don't think he is ready to start yet but at least he does not scream "no" and run away when I ask if he wants to sit on the toilet. He does not go potty but will sit for a little.  I do not want to push or rush him so I will wait till he is 100% ready but continue to give him that option.

He continues to be our silly little man and making us laugh all day long.

He still really loves his sister.  I hope he continues to love her as much as he does now.  It warms my heart:)

Updates on McKay -
She still has a lingering cough:(  I took her in to the doctors just to make sure.  They said everything looks and sounds fine just a bad cold.  There was a ton of fluid in her ears so I am hoping they does not get infected:/
She is a talker and a screamer.  All day long she is discovering her voice and what it can do.  She is still wiggling like crazy.  She is getting close to crawling.  She can get up on her hands and knees but cannot get herself to go forward.  She tries but ends up going backwards.

Anything that gets next to McKay's mouth has to go in her mouth.  Well really anything in her sight she wants to get and put in her mouth. 

For FHE activity this week we had a fun evening in our backyard.  Alex set up our tent and started coals going in a pot (got the idea from pinterest). 

And then we roasted marshmallows over the coals and made s'mores.  
It was a fun evening!  Clifton loved playing and just being in the tent.

I got a toy out for McKay (that use to be Clifton's) and it entertained all of them for about an hour.
I went to put McKay down for a nap and when I came down the stairs this is what I saw.  Silly silly boy!

With off and on rain all week I had to keep the boys busy inside.  We had a ton of fun this week.  First we did some finger painting, which Clifton loved.

Then we cleaned up after finger painting and played in water and soap bubbles.

We got domino's out and made train tracks out of them.

Then we had a few sun breaks throughout the days and I sent them outside to play while I worked in the yard.

Clifton insisted he should help pull weeds:)

Friday I went over to a friends house who has been doing tie dye and made some shirts for the family for the Fourth of July.  Thanks to Amy they turned out great.  I am excited to wear them together.

Friday night Alex and I went to the batting cages for a date night.  I had a blast. If you know me then you know I am pretty competitive even if I am most likely going to lose.  I one once though!  (we counted points of how far/where we hit the balls)

Saturday we went to Gig Harbor's town festival.  It was a cute little festival and they were doing and giving a ton of free things away.

Like this blow up pirate boat.  He climbed up and then went down the slide.  It was super fun.  He did really well waiting in line too.

 A kids' obstacle course.

They had a pretty princess there that had kids costumes to dress up as a princess and take a picture with her.
 They also had the new safest trampoline there (with no springs) and people could test it out.  So of course our crazy little boy went wild jumping on the trampoline.

I love my two boys!

This week I lost about one pound.  I blame it not being more on Alex.  He brought treats into the house.  I have the hardest time stopping myself if I know they are in the house.  I do not crave them if they are not in sight.  7 more to go and hoping to get there soon.  I am ready for a make over and new outfit. (my award for reaching my weight loss goal)

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