
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My kids are growing so fast!

Updates on Clifton -
He is such a silly boy!
Nursery happened this week!!!!!  Hoping and praying that one day he will be willing to go:/
He is talking so much!  He is our little chatter box!  He has gotten some of his sentences up to five or six words!  He can also count to ten all by himself.  I am telling you I have one smart kiddo:)

He learned how to push with one foot and ride his scooter.  He still had struggles steering and pushing his foot, but did pretty well. 

Updates on McKay -
She has been suffering from a cough this whole week.  It has been making Alex and I nervous with all this whooping cough talk.  I hate hearing her cough and it is not getting better.  She is happy most of the time but then has a coughing fit, which usually happens right after a bottle.  If it is not better this week I am taking her in to the doctors just to make sure. I am a worry freak and always want to make sure that my kids are ok.

 She is now five months old!!!!!  She is growing way to fast.  She is practicing sitting up and will be there soon.
 She is now sitting in the stroller.

 She fell asleep with her hands under her face.  Can you see her hand imprints?  Silly girl:)

The rain came back the beginning of this week so we did some fun inside activities to keep the boys busy.  First we did car painting.

Clifton loved it!  Of course he would:)  He loves anything that has to do with cars:)

Then we got the tunnels out and played with those.

We also turned the whole living room into a fort.  Clifton thought it was awesome.  He asks me to do a fort almost everyday now.

 Got cookie cutters and play dough out.

Thursday was free Slurpee day at 7-11.  So I thought I would take the boys to get a treat. They both have never had a Slurpee before, but what's not to love?:)  They really did enjoy it a ton!

We watched my friends cute girls for a couple hours and I must say I think we need more girls around here.  Clifton just stood there and let her comb his hair.

 I also had enough girls to play Pretty Pretty Princess.  One of my favorite games growing up.

McKay even joined in on the fun!  I love the picture with the jewelery on, she's looking at me like "really, mom?".

Friday the sun came back out and we enjoyed a nice picnic at a park.

 I want some Subway!!!!!
Oh grass!

Saturday the kids and I went to the Kitsap Harbor Festival down at the marina.

 On beautiful days like this it is so obvious why I love Washington and where I live:)

 Meeting her first pirate!

Riding his first horse!  He enjoyed every second of it.

Clifton loves the dizzy feeling.

Clifton's best friend, Evan turned 2 on Saturday.  Clifton thinks birthdays equal cake/cupcakes.  So he insisted we make Evan cupcakes.

Enjoying the fruits of his labor.   

And we made him a birthday card.

We then went over and had a BBQ with Evan's family.

We always have fun when we get together!  A great evening:)

Clifton joined me on most of my runs.  He enjoys it but has a limit.  After 3 miles he is ready to get out.  Which is fine.  I had no idea it would be so much harder to push a jogging stroller.  It really throws me off.  I will have to get used to it.  Not being able to swing my arms makes running more difficult.

I lost two pounds this week and feel great!!!!!  8 more to go and I am so happy with the progress and how my body is feeling. I ran 10 miles in 1 hour and 35 minutes on Monday!  I was so happy with that.  The farthest I have ever run in my life and a pretty good time.  Half marathon, I am coming for you.  3.1 more miles to try to add on and I will be there.  I am hoping to get 13.1 miles in about 2 hours.  No matter what I am proud of how far I have come and how hard I am pushing myself.  It feels great to set a goal and to be able to achieve it.


  1. Two things:
    1. Your running progress is amazing. Were you a runner before or is this a totally new thing? Impressive, either way.
    1. I noticed McKay's cough on Sunday too, and my paranoid mom mind immediately wondered if you'd had her checked for whooping cough. It's probably nothing, but I'm freaked out by this outbreak.
    (Vaccinate, people! Grown ups too...I just made an appointment to get my own Tdap up to date. PSA over.)

    1. 1. I ran in high school and college just to keep my weight under control, but not on a team or anything. So this is new to me. Thanks!
      2.I am so sorry I should have held onto her. I do not want to spread germs. I called the doctors last week and they said to only bring her in if it is affecting her eating or sleeping. And it really is not so I did not take her in. But I made an appointment today, she has been coughing up mucus like crazy and I am afraid she has a ton of liquid in her lungs:( I had my tdap after I had Baby Kay.
