
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pink Eye:(

Updates on Clifton -
Well nursery is not happening again.  Last Sunday we went home because he was sick and this Sunday was a whole lot of screaming and nothing.  I even made him sit on the floor and do nothing in the primary room with me to teach him that it is not fun what mom is doing but it is fun in class.  He seriously sat there quietly for about an hour.   He hates church!  As soon as I pull into the parking lot he screams, "NO CHURCH!"  It really makes Sundays stressful.  He usually does okay during sacrament but that is his limit:(  One day we will be good at this:/
Poor kid was not feeling good on Sunday.  I thought he slept it off but come Tuesday morning he woke up with pink eye:(  It killed me.  He has such big and beautiful eyes that it looked so sad.  He actually did well and was not too grumpy but he hated the eye drops and that was very challenging for me to hold him down.

Besides all this sad stuff Clifton is a joy.  He makes everyone laugh including Baby McKay.  He is definitely our little character.  He has been loving Mickey Mouse lately and one night we showed him an old Mickey Mouse episode on youtube.  He asks to watch one every night now.  I enjoy watching them with him:)  They are short and fun.

He is also turning to team Dad.  He only wants Dad!  Sometimes it works in my favor like he wants Dad to change his diaper and put him to bed, but he will only kiss dad:(  One day he will be back on the right team, team Mom.  I got McKay on my side at least!

Updates on McKay -
I tried as hard as I could to try and separate McKay and Clifton so she would not get pink eye.  Alex even took a day off to try and keep them in different rooms.  But she got it:(  Her reaction was different.  Her eye did not swell as much but gooped a ton more and she had a very very hard time with it.  I basically held her for 2 days and nights straight to keep her happy.  Poor girl!  We finally got past it!  And Alex and I were able to steer clear of it!
She mumbled MAMA!  Just a  few times but it happened.  Clifton mumbled Dada first so it is nice to hear mama first this time:)
I got out the Johnny Jumper this week!  She liked it.  She knew what to do right away.  She is our wiggle worm so it was perfect for her.
The boys loved jumping next to her and she enjoyed them jumping too.

This week was a beautiful week!  Sadly for the most part we were inside trying to get better and to not spread the germs:(  But before the pink eye hit we got to enjoy a day of sunshine!

I got the sprinkler out for the first time this year.
 Clifton was a little hesitant of whether or not he should play in it.
He did not get too wet but splashed around a little.  He will warm up to it as days get hotter.

 I also got watermelon out for the boys to eat outside. 
Clifton loved it!  He went to town on it.  I am pretty sure he could eat a whole watermelon in one sitting.  I am glad he likes it because I really like it too!

Clifton cannot get enough of his sister!
 Seriously cannot get enough of this cute girl!

I spotted a jogger/bike trailer at Costco that I fell in love with.  Alex of course spoils me and so he got it for me.  Thanks Hun!  It will be great for our little family and getting out and doing more together!

Clifton LOVED it!  He had a big smile on his face the whole ride.  He is going to begging me to jog or bike probably everyday now.

Saturday everyone was finally feeling better!  Which is good because I signed up for a 5 mile run in the Viking Fest.  So they were able to come and cheer me on.

This is my first run/race ever.  So I was scared and intimidated by all the people that were there.  At first I felt alone because I was not running with anyone.  Then I felt crowded and pushed to go faster and keep up with the fastest.  But I took a breathe and went at my pace.  Then I started loving every minute of it.  If I passed by someone they would cheer me on.  People were outside their houses cheering for us.  People I would run next to kept me company and were really nice.  The run was a beautiful run along the Sound.  I felt great.  Everyone was so uplifting towards each other and so motivating.  I noticed my kid's pediatrician running in the race and we talked for a little.  Then right at the end she started to come up behind me as I was starting to slow down.  She said "don't slow down now you don't want an old lady to beat you."  So she pushed me to sprint the last little bit.  (I couldn't let an old lady beat me!)  I loved the feeling I had while running.  It felt great to accomplish something.  I ran the 5 miles in 47 minutes.  Which is pretty good:)  I know now why people love doing these things and I am defiantly addicted.  For me being a mom often leaves me feeling unaccomplished.  The end goal is often too far to see and things never always go the way I want it to.  So running lets me feel like I can set a goal and accomplish it.  Something I need to remember.

 Later that night we went back to the festival and enjoyed live music and elephant ears!
Give me that Elephant Ear!
Clifton loved it!
 Clifton enjoyed watching the boats and running on the board walk!

Well this week I lost a pound.  So ten more to go baby!  Hopefully I can get there.  Excited to do more and to get better at runs/races.  Next on my list is Port Orchards 5k.  My goal is to run it near 25 minutes:/  Right now I am at 28 minutes.  We shall see.  I am going to start running with the jogger and pushing Clifton.  So that probably will affect my time.