
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Productive Week

Updates on Clifton - 
His teeth seem to be bugging him less so he is not as grumpy!  He is starting to get jealous of Baby McKay.  Not very often but every now and then he will demand us to put her down so we can hold him.
He went to nursery pretty well.  He cried but not for long, but then he had a poopy diaper and that ended nursery for the day:(  But he is getting better!
He is now putting his Legos together and building things and then of course knocking those things down.  It is fun to watch him learn and grow.

Clifton loves to make his sister smile.

Updates on McKay - 
She is eating a little better.  A friend of mine told me a suggestion that her doctor told her.  We tried it and it seems to help a little.  She does not scream like it hurts anymore but she often refuses to take her bottle.  I read somewhere that it might be a good idea to try foods if they are refusing the bottle.  So I am going to start her on baby food this next week and see if that helps any.
She is rolling like crazy.  She rolls over to things she wants.  The other day Clifton got out Legos and I turned around to grab something and next thing I know it she had rolled over to Clifton.

I love this girl:)

She is starting to imitate us.

She tries really hard to blow raspberries like her mom.  So cute!

For FHE activity we decided to celebrate Cinco De Mayo and we got a pinata. 

Clifton of course loved hitting at it and the treats/toys inside.  It was fun!

It was a real successful and productive week here.  We finished my photo wall!

I absolutely love how it turned out!!!!  Best idea yet:)

Alex has a tradition of getting me flowers for our yard for Mother's Day.  Since we will be busy that weekend we decided to get them in this weekend.  So we worked real hard to get the yard in shape and my flowers in.

This year we did it a little different.  We put a few annual flowers in but decided to put perennials in.  I had lilies in from last year and they are growing back strong already.  So we are hoping we can put these in and they will come back every year and we will just replace the few annual flowers!  I am excited for them to all come in.  Hopefully they will:/

While we were out working in the yard we came across a few frogs.  Alex found a pretty good sized one.

 Clifton really liked looking at it but wanted nothing to do with touching it!  The frog kept inching its way to Alex face.  I was really hoping it would hop on his face unfortunately it did not.

One random thing.  I had mentioned to Alex a little while ago that Shutterfly made customized iPhone cases.  He remembered I said it and made one for me.  I got it in the mail this week.  He is always so thoughtful.  Love that guy!
I love every single thing about it!

So I was great at counting calories and working out this week.  But sadly lost nothing.  Oh I was devastated and was ready to quit.  Why was I wasting 2 hours out of my day to work out and not eating delicious desserts for nothing.  Alex quickly comforted me and helped me realize that it is more then just weight loss.  I set a goal and did it.  I feel better and have more energy.  Also I am being a great example to my children.  So after that I decided to let it motivate me and not discourage me.  The next night it stopped raining so I went running as planned, but of course as soon as I got away from the house, a downpour started.

But I decided to not let it stop me and I ran my 5k anyway.  And I beat my record by a whole minute and a half.  Yep 3.2 miles under 30 minutes!!!!!!  I was soaked but it felt so freaking good. And now Clifton is starting to do my morning workouts with me.  He tries to copy me and it is so stinking cute.  That makes it worth it to me.  Hopefully I can continue to lose weight as well, but I am making a happier and healthier me in the process.  I am going to change some things around to see if I can make the weight loss happen.  So we shall see!


  1. I love your blogs! Your wall is adorable and that iPhone case is too! Thanks for keeping us all updated on your adventures!!

  2. Fun updates! We love all of the frogs around here too. That would have been awesome had it jumped on his face. And Clifton did do really well in Nursery. I think his return would have been successful had I not had Emma upside down while whacking on her back because she was choking on her goldfish. Probably not the thing a reluctant nursery goer wants to see his teacher doing!
