
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Five Wonderful Years!

Updates on Clifton -
Oh it has been a week!  He is getting two molars in.  So he is very grumpy and in pain from them coming in.  Which makes it hard for everyone.  Teething really bugs Clifton.  He gets sick (low grade fever, does not eat much, and upset tummy) and very very clingy.
One thing that has been real good is his communication.  He can now tell us how he feels and what is going on making it easier for us to help him.  The other day he was feeling yucky and came up to me and said his tummy heart.  I knew from that to take him to the bathroom and he threw up.  On the bathroom floor is 100% better then cleaning it out of carpet.  So we are thankful he is learning to communicate so well.

Updates on McKay -
She is 4 months old!  It has been a tough week with her as well.  However we are not quite sure why.  We think it is her acid reflux but I just don't understand why the medicine is not helping.  She is still throwing up after almost every feeding.  She also fights her bottles still:(  Not every time but during night and morning feedings.  It ends up being a screaming fit for about 15 minutes until she will take it.  So it can get very frustrating. 
She has officially moved to her crib for naps and night time.  She is doing okay.  She has some good nights waking up only twice and some bad nights where she wakes up every hour.

For FHE it was the only sunny nice day of the week.  So we went out and washed our cars as a family.

Clifton loved playing with the bubbles in the bucket!  He really does enjoy helping too.

This week with the boys I did two new activities.  The first was marble painting.

They needed help and rather watch the marbles then do it them selves but they had fun.  And the art turned out real nice!

Next we did balloon rockets.  The loved watching it!  Each time it went off they would jump for joy!

Clifton had another neighbor friend over to play with us as well that day.  They would sit and watch for ever if I had enough energy to keep going.  But after 20 minutes I was feeling light headed from blowing the balloon up over and over again.

This week was our five year anniversary.  I can hardly believe it has been five years already.  How time flies!

My mother came to town to watch the kids so we could have a getaway.
We really appreciate my mother coming and watching the kids.  Anyone who knows me knows I am a freak about my kids and leaving them.  My mom is awesome and will do everything I need her to.  I write out a schedule and she tries hard to stick to it.  She also does not mind that I called every hour to make sure things were going ok.  This is the first time leaving my kids over night ever. (Except to have Baby McKay).  Night time was the hardest for me.  But my mom put them to bed easily and they slept through the night well McKay woke up once.  I guess my kids do better when I am not there:/

We had a blast.  We went to Alderbrook Spa and Resort only about 40 minutes away from home.  So I was close if something happened.  It was beautiful.  We had good weather, not raining!   
They had a lobby cat.  It would just roam around the lobby all day.  Very nice cat:)

 We went hiking!  And walked across broken trees:) 
 Seriously a beautiful green place.
We played tennis and walked by the bay. We cuddles in our cottage by the fireplace!  Enjoyed the hot tub, swimming, sauna, and steam room.  All very relaxing!

Here is the resort!
 Here is the view from our cottage!
The sky cleared up enough in the evening to see the beautiful mountains.  We had everything the trees, bay, and mountains.  Could not have asked for more!

That night they had a fun activity where you could go out on the docks and look for marine life.  We used some fancy scoopers to catch them:)

We caught jelly fish, weird looking fish and an animal related to the seahorse.  It was fun!  It reminded me why I do not swim in the ocean!

Later the resort started all their fire pits around the resort.  So we went out and sat by them.  
We had fun being dorks:)  I love us!

I have one good looking husband:)
We spent a lot of the day relaxing by the bay and taking in the beautiful scenery.
In our robes eating breakfast on the porch.
It was good to come home.  We missed our little ones and cuddled up with them all that evening!

 For our anniversary I got Alex a wedding ring to replace the one he lost.  Now all those ladies out there will know he is taken:)

For my gift Alex painted in our living room.  He painted one accent wall grey (has a little more blue tint to it then expected but still love it).  And we made a picture wall.  It is not quite done yet.  I am going to add vinyl lettering around it.  Hopefully I will finish it this week.  I love it!

We had a wonderful anniversary!  I am excited for more to come:)  We live a wonderful and happy life.

Updates on my weight loss journey - I lost only one pound this week:/  But hey it is negative and not a positive!  It was a tough week for working out.  NO EXCUSES, but this week was a week that made me realize why it is so hard to stay in shape with kids.  Living off of limited amount of sleep makes it hard to stay motivated.  Also celebrating the anniversary did not help.  I ate things I probably should not have.  But this next week hopefully I can get back on track.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you were able to get away and that you had a great time. Sorry for Clifton's teething and McKay's feeding problems. I can relate to the sleep deprivation. I'm still getting up at night with Emma. Last night was particularly bad and so of course, I didn't exercise today. Exercise and sleep deprivation definitely don't mix!
