
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rain with some sun breaks

 Updates on Clifton -
He willingly went to nursery today.  Walked in and did not mind when Alex left.  I think it is official... I think he is a nursery going child:) Thank goodness!  I think he realized nursery is more fun then mom and dads class.
Clifton has started something new that I really like.  He ask to play with friends.  He wants to go out and play with other kids.  For a while there he did not want to be around other kids (besides Evan of course).  But everyday now he ask to go play with a friend.  I like it.  That may be the reason he goes to nursery, he likes playing with "friends".

Updates on McKay -
Poor girl had a tough week. She got thrush:(  It was not horrible but she was fighting to eat, which is nothing too new.  My kids have acid reflux and have often fought to eat.  Thanks to great friends and their wonderful advice (shout out to Amy for letting us borrow her medicine) she was able to quickly get over it.  It just left her mouth a little purple:)

For FHE this week I talked about prayer.  Clifton has been often saying no to praying and not folding his arms.  So I decided to talk about how to pray.  It was very cute.  Clifton would repeat everything I did.  Then later that night we had a closing prayer and bed time prayer.  He folded his arms, closed his eyes and listened.  Now every time we pray (almost)  he does that and says Amen.  It melts my heart to see him do something I taught/told him to do.

Then for activity we played some games together as a family:)
He is doing well at taking turns and waiting.  I think he is a pretty good boy!

The boys and I tried to get outside whenever the rain stopped

 They wanted to play on the slide so I told them to dry it off first.  I think they had more fun doing that then sliding down it:)
I accidentally left the dirt bin open when it was raining.  MUD!!!! The boys loved it.  I let them play in it for a little and then got ride of it.  But they enjoyed it while it lasted.
 The best thing about rainy days with sun breaks... puddles!
Best friends!

Saturday McKay and I had a girls day out.  My good friend from college had a baby shower.  It was near Seattle so we made a trip out of it.  Just McKay and I.

 Waiting for the ferry.  (I missed it by a minute so we had to wait for the next one:/)
 Riding the ferry!
Melody and her cute little baby bump.  It was a great shower:)  And I loved seeing Melody!

This week I lost another pound.  Six more to go.  Getting there slowly, but getting there.  Feeling good in general, feeling strong.  I did not get a long distance run in this week, while a five mile run but that was it.  It is getting harder and harder to keep training for a half marathon, but I am going to do it.  I really want to run a half marathon in two hours so I need to keep up on my distance runs on the weekends.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it to my shower! Your amazing! Sorry you missed the ferry on the way back :( everyone was obsessed with McKay! She is to cute!
