
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Six Months Old

Updates on Clifton -
It has been a tough week for him.  He is getting more molars in:(  But we still managed to have fun.  His new thing is to act like he is the boss.  He like to tell McKay and Evan "no" if he thinks they are doing something wrong.  He apparently does not think I can parent:/  So we are trying to teach him he does not need to parent but it is tough for me to explain to him.  He can say no when appropriate but not to be bossy and mean.
The other new thing he does (this one I like) is play a game with Alex and I.  He acts like Alex is getting him and yells out "Help me, Mommy!"  Then I come to rescue him.  It is a fun little game that gets us all laughing.
I think we have gotten over the fear of nursery.   He is going in and not crying and staying the whole time.  WOOT WOOT!

Updates on McKay -
She is our little six month old!  It is hard to believe, she is growing so so fast.  She had her six month check up.  She is doing great.  Still has a little thrush but we are trying different medicine and that should help.  But she is in the 90% for height!  She is going to be our tall girl!  Her weight percentile went down but still doing well, she weighs 15 pounds.
McKay is starting to get up on her hands and knees.  Not moving forward yet...she usually ends up on her face.  But she is getting closer to crawling.  She likes to get up on her hands and feet and shake her booty back and forth, it is cute!
McKay's hair after bath time.  Rockstar!

Love these two!

Having fun again around here!  Tuesday the other leaders and I took the cub scouts Geocaching.  I have never done it before, but knew we would be taking a little hike so I decided to take Clifton with us.  It was fun!
Clifton found a little fireman figurine that he wanted to take and swap out another toy for.  He enjoyed the hike and getting a toy.

Introducing my wonderful mother helper, Judy!
During the summer she is going to help with the kids every Wednesday and we all love it!
 Wagon ride!

Wednesday the library had a Brazilian musician come in and play music.
 The boys enjoyed the music and we decided to go down on the sand and listen. 
Some kids found a crab in the water and brought it to the sand so other kids could look at it.  Clifton thought it was cool.  Clifton's crab sounds like crap and it makes me giggle under my breath.
 The boys then enjoyed a free lunch on the bay.

The boys had fun doing some Fourth of July crafts this week.
 American flag hand prints.  They were the right way when I painted them on their hands but then when they stamped it on the paper it was the other way around... oops!  I am not usually a product art person, meaning I usually don't want the same outcome for their artwork I like them to be able to express their art.  But they really enjoyed me painting their hands so it was fun!
I found some cheap star foam stickers and let the boys go at it.  It was nice because they could take the backs of by themselves so I could get something done while they were working on the stars.

Friday was the beginning of Port Orchards Summer Festival.  They had a craft festival down by the bay.  Vendors were selling items that they made. 
I found this cute little dress and head band.  I could not resist getting it.  She looked so cute in it.

They also had the horses back again.  So Clifton wanted to go for a ride.  He sure does like riding horses. He is cute!

Later that night they had a concert by the bay.  We all went and enjoyed the music.

 I love this picture!

Alex got a ton of yard work done this last week (he is a good husband) and Clifton was a big helper!
 Alex being the dork he is!
Finished product on one side!  I love it.  Now to put up a fence!

Saturday Port Orchard had a parade.  Despite the cloudy skies we decided to go.
 McKay and Alex watching the parade.
Clifton thought this car was Sheriff from the movie Cars.  He was so excited to see it!  
This is his excited face!

One more pound down!  Only two more!!!!!!!  The exciting thing for me this week was I had time for a long run and I ran 13.1 miles in two hours and ten minutes.  I was sore the next day:/  But it felt great.  I want to get it under two hours if possible, but it is great to know I can do it.  I love setting and then reaching goals.  It is a great and addicting feeling.

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