
Monday, July 9, 2012

4th of July

 Updates on Clifton -
I strongly believe in waiting to potty train until Clifton is ready, but I am not sure he will ever be ready.  He refuses to sit on his toilet or the big toilet or even stand and go potty.  But he hates his diaper.  I have even bribed him with treats or goodies but he would not try to go potty.  I am fine with waiting, but I really think he has no interest in going on the toilet:(  So I don't want to wait forever.
Clifton LOVES making McKay laugh and McKay thinks he is so funny!  It is really cute to watch.  Clifton is definitely one silly boy.  He can get me laughing pretty good sometimes. He is always good at putting a smile on our faces.
Clifton is a true Washington boy.  He hates the sun.  He whines and complains whenever it is on him.  He wont wear a hat or sunglasses.  Silly kiddo.  I love the sun!
Clifton and McKay love sitting and listening to me read a book.  And I quite enjoy it, too.

Updates on McKay -
She is sitting up more these days.  She can do it well but really has no interest.  She would rather be rolling or scooting on the floor.  She is a wigglier!
 She sat in the shopping cart for the first time this week and liked it a whole lot better then here car seat.  Safeway needs to get a bigger cart!  Three kids in this tiny cart leaves me no room for food:(

Mondays at our bowling alley is 1 dollar bowl.  A dollar for shoes and a dollar for games.  So I decided to take the boys.  They had a ton of fun. 
They loved cheering for the ball to go go go!

For an art project I got out cookie cutters (stars for the 4th of July) and they painted with them.
They enjoyed it but it quickly turned to finger/hand painting.

Tuesday we had a really low tide.  People told me that we could probably find some starfish.  So the boys and I went for a walk looking for cool things and hoping to find a star fish.

Sadly we did not find any starfish, but we found a ton of cool shells, touched slimy seaweed, saw a sea snail, and some crabs.

Alex had the 4th off work and decided to take the rest of the week off and build us a fence, which was much needed.  He worked super hard for three days straight and finished our fence.  I must say that my husband is super handy.  He did it in half the cost of paying a professional to do it.  And it looks great.  We had help from friends and really appreciate all the help we got.  I even got out one day while and friend was watching our kids and help (I enjoy dirty work).
I was surprised Clifton was not out helping the whole day everyday.   He kept complaining it was hot, but when there was shade out you bet he was out helping his Daddy.
It really turned out nice!

One night Clifton went out to play and found his shadow.  So we played with our shadows together.  He thought it was fun that his shadow followed him and did what he did.
I thought it looked cool so I took a few photos.

Fourth of July!  Well it started out great.  We all got our matching shirts on.  We helped Alex work in the yard a little.
Made cookies (I tried to shape chocolate chip cookies into starts they just turned out like blobs, but still tasted great).
Just having fun being together.  Then I decided to get some little non-boom fireworks to do with Clifton.  I grabbed some snakes, smokers, sparklers, and tanks.  All of which were supposed to not make noise.

Well Clifton loved the smokers and the snakes.  But then I lit the tank and at the end it let off a big bang.  Both Clifton and McKay hated it and were crying.  Later the neighbors started doing fireworks and McKay hated it.  She would fuss every time one would go off.  So we decided to be lame and stay in for the night and not go to the firework show.  If it is just going to scare our kids then there was no point in going.
Well I am sad to report I had no weight loss this week.  But no weight gain.  I actually got a staph infection that caused me to get boils on my body.  One of those boils got infected.  The had to cut it open and drain it.  So I was in pain all week.  The bumps were on my upper thigh so it hurt even to walk.  Because of the pain I did not workout or run or anything.  Then it started feeling better, but the antibiotics were making me feel sick:/  Then I think I am invincible and did not listen to the doctors orders, he said the medicine makes you weak to the sun.  I thought whatever so I get a burn.  But I got a rash on my face!!!!!  Learned my lesson.  It kills me that for the next ten days I need to stay out of the sun as much as possible and the next ten days are supposed to be sunny.  I will just have to find shade or put extra sun screen on.  It is hard to stay out of the sun!

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