
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Introducing the newest member of our family...

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton is starting to say funny things all the time now.  I really want to keep a record of the things he says that make us laugh or catch us off guard or just plain cute.  So I will start a little place for this each week:
This week Clifton said -
"Mommy make it rain" (he was talking about the sprinkler)
"I love you Kaybers" ( without tell him to do so - Kaybers is what we sometimes call McKay) 
During dinner prayer Clifton turned to me and said  "close your eyes"  he ratted me out for having my eyes open during the prayer.  Silly boy!

Clifton is having a hard time sharing these days and giving people and animals personal space.  It has all of the sudden become a real challenge for him. 

Updates on McKay -
She is babbling so much.  It is super duper cute.  She finally said "Da Da", I think Alex heart melted when her heard her say it.  Also she waves.  I am not sure if she is meaning to wave but if she sees herself in the mirror she will wave her hand back and forth and sometimes to pictures in books.  It is funny.  I will have to get it on camera.  Her personality is starting to show through more and more everyday.

She sits up to take a bath now and loves to splash.

This week we had a lot of sunshine and heat.  So playing in the water was a must.

 The first day Clifton insisted he ran through the sprinkler naked and of course Evan wanted to follow.  So I figured that we now have a fence and no one can see us so why not.  They had a blast!
Splashing in the water.  For some reason bubbles made it ten times more fun:)
Clifton wanted to wash his car.  And then he chased Alex and I with the hose.

We spent a lot of time at different parks too.
These boys make me laugh!

Wednesday the library had Casper BabyPants come perform.  It was a pretty big deal.  He was also the lead singer in a 1990's band called The Presidents of the United States of America.  He was fun.  The boys loved dancing to his music.

Clifton has some good moves!

Later we painted with our hands and feet.  It was messy but the boys loved it. 

Next time though I will do it on fabric or something.  They were slipping all over the place.  I really liked how it turned out.  I think I could sell it to some artist or something for a ton of money:)

This week we also introduced a new member into our family.

 Introducing Walle the cat!  Clifton picked the name:)
 Thus far he fits in perfectly.  He is very timid and calm.  The kids can play around him and with him and he has not hissed or do anything.  Clifton LOVES him!  McKay was a little scared at first but now every time she sees him she gets all stiff with excitement.  The first couple days were a little rough for him to get comfortable but he loves to cuddle and loves to play with Clifton.  I really enjoy having him around.  The best part is the humane society is double their max capacity so they are literally giving away cats.  He cost us nothing.
Clifton helped pick out some new toys for Walle.  I think Clifton might like playing with them more then Walle does:)

I am in the primary presidency for church and this weekend was our big carnival we were throwing for the kids.  We made a huge gumball machine and they would get a gum ball every time they chose the right (get it chews the right?).  Anyway when they filled it up we promised a carnival.  We did a lot of planning and it turned out great.  The kids loved it and I had fun too.
 Gumball cupcakes! (really with m&m's)
We even had a clown show up:)

Great news!  Alex got a promotion.  I am so so proud of him and all his hard work.  He deserves it.  We are really blessed:)

Also about a month ago we took advantage of a YW's photography fundraiser and we got back our pictures this week.  You can view them here -

I lost all my baby fat! Yep it is all off!!!!!! And I feel great:)  I would be happy at this weight but would not mind to lose five more pounds.  But I reached my goal and now it is time to go shopping and to get my hair did!  Super excited.  I think I am going to keep my hair long and some bangs cut into it.  I got a date set to go shopping with a friend and life is good!  Now to reach my other goal of running a half marathon in about 2 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fun week! McKelle is super bummed we couldn't make it to the carnival:( as am I. Looks like you guys did a fantastic job! Hooray for a promotion!
