
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My tough 2 year old

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton has started to become very rough.  I know he is a boy but it is a lot different then Clifton was. He spends a lot of time in time out and testing me.  But if I keep him busy and doing fun things he does well.  It is hard to watch him make a wrong choice.  I know no kid is perfect and I do not expect perfection but I do expect kindness.  Well it will be a work in progress.  Now that he finally goes to nursery he is acting out:(  But is does a lot of good things as well.  He is very silly and usually very polite (using sorry, thank you, welcome, excuse me, etc...)  And he is talking so much and using full sentences and telling stories of the day or of things that have happened.  He is a good boy but I am struggling with personal space and sharing.  (which I am sure is normal for a 2 year old)

Updates on McKay -
She is continuing to grow healthy and strong.  And continues to be just as wiggly as ever.  Her silly personality keeps coming out more and more.  Besides that she is same old happy McKay!

Another week means another park with the play group.  The boys like getting out with friends and playing.
Trying to be like the big kids and climb up the structure.  That is as far as they got:)

Wednesday the library had the "Reptile Lady" come out with her snakes, bearded dragon, and chameleon.
Clifton loved when she got the reptiles out.  But when we got in line to touch the snake he did not want to touch it.  Silly!  I did and I hate snakes!

I thought it would be fun to make a little "river" for the boys to have duckies go down.  Our drive way is on a slope so thought that would be perfect.
They loved it!  They would run down with the ducks pick them up and run back up to the top.  Plus they splashed in the water.  A fun activity.

The boys thought it was fun to put on Mr. Potato Heads glasses.  They sure are silly!
 I decided to get McKay in on the action.  I love this girl.  She is a silly one.

Friday Alex had off and cub scout day camp was going on.  They needed a few more helpers and asked if I could help.  I figured I could.  So I spent the whole day with the cub scouts and bows and arrows.
During the boys snack time I was able to mess around with the bows and arrows.  It brought back some good memories.  I used to do this stuff often.  It was a fun and very tiring day.

Saturday we took Clifton to the Bug Museum here in town.  He loves finding bugs outside so I thought this would be perfect.
But they had statues of big bugs and that scared Clifton.  Not McKay however.
He looked around and relaxed a little.  But he needed Alex or I to hold him the whole time because he was scared.  Later Clifton told us (in his words) "1,2,3 bugs Clifton happy.  Bugs everywhere scary."  So I think he was overwhelmed with how many bugs there were.  Which I do not blame him.  I do not enjoy bugs!

 To end the week we spent a nice evening with the Stewart's.  
 We really enjoy them and Clifton sure enjoys that Evan. 

I was released as the primary counselor but called back in as the 1st counselor.  My good friend, Stephanie, got called in as the president and I am so excited to work with her and to still be in the primary. 

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