
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dirty Dash 2012

Updates on Clifton -
He is continuing to tell stories and talk all day long.  I really enjoy his stories and hearing what he comes up with. He has also really started playing pretend play.  Which is such a fun stage!  I love sitting back and watching him play and act out things.  It is cute to see what they do.
Clifton can climb up our park play structure all by himself now.  Which makes me life a little easier.  Seems like a little achievement but it is a big one to me.

Updates on McKay -
She is moving so so much.  The gates are going up:(  She is even getting close to pulling herself up!
She is really really attached to me and is starting to get separation anxiety.  She wants mom all the time.  Even if I am in the room she just wants me to hold her and no one else will do.  Not even Alex.  

For FHE activity this week Clifton and Dad put together a toy truck!  It was a lot of fun and Clifton loves showing off his truck.

It was a hot week so we decided to spend a day at the Bremerton Water fountains.  It has been probably a year since we have been there last so it was pretty much a new thing to them.
 At first they just got their feet wet.
 McKay got scared every time the water shot up:(  But we managed to still have some fun playing in the grass.
Then splashing commenced!
 Love these boys!

I got a Groupon for Play Kitsap in Bremerton and decided to give it a try this week.

 Clifton got hurt on the slide due to a pile up and was scared of it so he decided to go play in the other stations.  I was enjoying him pretend playing.  He was cute and was making me chicken for dinner.  He knows me well, I love chicken.

Friday I had family in town.  Two of my brothers, my sister-in-law and their kids.

 Clifton enjoyed having cousins to play with.  He was talking about Jack and Emma coming up all week.

Saturday was the Dirty Dash we signed up for. 
 My brothers and I ready to go get dirty!  Yep we are dorks:)
Us before - so clean!
Us after - so dirty!
 Best photo ever!!!!!
 If you cannot tell from my face, we had the best time.  It seriously was a blast!  I think this might be a new Peterson tradition:)
 There were obstacles along the way that made it challenging and fun.  The had tons of muddy water pits to get through, tunnels to army crawl through, dirt hills, tires, monkey bars, (which Alex and I were the only ones to make it all the way across.  Just saying!) huge slip-and-slide, walls, cargo net, etc...
 Dirty love!
 My brother creeping in our photo!

They then had a dirty dash for the kids.  It was a mile and had some of the obstacles.  So we went with our nieces and nephew.
Group shower time!
This was the worst part.  Yes it was a hot day but that water was so so cold.
 Clifton hosing off our clothes before putting them in the washing machine.
  It was a tiring but extremely fun weekend for everyone.

The kids needed to cool off so we went outside and played in the sprinkler!
Yes my kids are naked, but it is hot and that is how we roll!

Alex and a couple of his brothers spent the week in McCleary painting his parents' house.  I am not trying to brag but I sure think Alex is a good son and a great example to our children.  He gave up his birthday weekend and time with his family to paint his parents' house.  I hope my children can see and recognize how selfless their father is.  I know I see it and it motivates me to be better at it.  He did not get it all the way finished which was a little upsetting, but the house really does look great.  It amazes me what a fresh new coat of paint can do. We met him down there for the dirty dash.

Well I lost a whopping 3 pounds this week.  I am at my perfect weight!!!!!  And I am happy.  And I think I am officially over the MRSA, too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a glorious day when they can climb up that little "rock" wall thing! SO NICE!

    Great job with the Dirty Dash! Looks like great fun!

    Good work with the weight loss!!
