
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Go Sounders!!!!

Updates on Clifton -
Clifton's binky is officially gone!!!!  So so happy with this.  I was not sure the day would ever come.
My poor Clifton had Croup all week.  He was really sick.  When Clifton is sick he does not sleep but is super tired and really really clingy.  So it has been a long week.  He still has a runny nose and a little cough but he is doing better.

Updates on McKay -
She too got croup and still has a runny nose and a cough.  She actually slept while she was sick but I could not put her down and she would need a power nap about every hour or so during the day. 
McKay is pulling herself up onto everything.  She is our little mover.  I really have to keep an eye on her so she does not hurt herself.
McKay loves finger food.  I forget how messy babies are when they start to eat food.  Back to sweeping after every meal.

Knowing we would be stuck at home for a while with my sick kids I decided to go out and buy some games Clifton and I could play to keep him entertained.
He loves the fishing game and is pretty good at it.  He likes to catch the fish by color.  So all the red first and then another color.  (For some reason all the red is always first)

Due to sickness all week we did not do much.  But by the end of the week we all were feeling well enough to go out.
The library was having an end of the summer celebration.  They had games, ice cream, bubbles, and more.  Clifton enjoyed the hula hoop.
McKay, Clifton and I finished the ten hour reading chart.  So we stopped at the library to pick out a free book.  Clifton was so excited to get a book.  He is our little reader.  He loves looking at books and having stories read to him and retelling stories to us.  He picked out a bigger book.  He like Curious George and insisted this be the book he took home.  McKay got a cute little book too.

 Picnic time!

Trying to cool off.
Clifton loves to play with the hose.

Playing with water, buckets, measuring cups, and funnels.

I love my silly boy!

Hiking time.  We did not make it to the view but it was still a fun adventure.
Next time we will make it to the view or take a shorter trail:/  Five miles is a little much for toddler legs.

My mother-in-law came up to watch the kids Saturday so I could take Alex to the Sounders Game (his birthday present).  It was super nice of her to come spend all day with our kiddos.  The kids enjoyed having her there and we enjoyed being out just the two of us.
 Sounder sunglasses they were handing out at the game.  Love them!
 Good seats!
We also got to meet up with some friends who were at the game too and go out to eat afterwards.  It was a wonderful day!
 Ferry leaving beautiful Seattle.
Clifton wearing the Sounder glasses.

It was a crazy and stressful week with all the sickness but it ended wonderfully and I am excited for a new week and new adventures!

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