
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beach Trip 2012

Updates on Clifton -
He loves to jibber jabber.  He has to feel comfortable around you to talk but once he does he never stops.  He gets that from his Dad.  He has been learning to use the words yesterday and tomorrow properly.  He often think before nap time is yesterday.  He will wake up from nap telling me things he did that morning but said he did them yesterday.

Updates on McKay -
She is still moving like crazy. Climbing herself up onto everything and crawling everywhere.  She is our smiley girl and is pretty happy as long as mom is near her.  She is a joy to have in our lives and we just love her to peices.

The big news this week is we got a new van.  We got a used 2010 Toyota Sienna.  I love it!
It is so nice to have more space.  The doors slide open so no more squeezing between cars to get the kids in.  The boys can get into their car seat all by themselves.  It has a DVD player and that has come in handy on our long rides.  I needed a van and we found a good one for a good price.

We had a real fun packed week this week!  The boys and I stayed real busy with going out and about and doing some art projects.  I love doing art with the boys and they enjoy it as well.
I got Clifton a stamp set.  And he loves it.  I will have to get more stamp pads and different colors.  He really enjoyed that.

For the first time this summer I took the boys on the foot ferry.  They loved it.  It has been about a year since they have been on it.  We went over to Bremerton and had a little treat and then came back.  A short but fun trip!

Then we went to the Kitsap County Fair.  We got free tickets from the summer reading program that the kids and I did!
 They had a little area where the boys could push buttons to turn on a siren and to turn on police lights.  They could have spent the whole night there.
 Put in jail for making trouble:)  Set free because they are cute!
 Then they had tractors.  They could have spent all night here too.
They are animals!  We went to look at all the different kinds of animals.
 Clifton is getting tall and so big.  They said he could not ride this one (which I think he is right on the 36 mark but that's ok).  There were still rides we could go on.

 Waiting in line to go on a ride.  I love my little man!
 He loved this ride.  During the ride he shouted, "this is awesome!"
 Also a good one.
Big slide!
Alex and McKay watching us go on the rides.  She is a good girl!

Peterson Beach Trip!  We got pretty lucky with the weather.  It was just a little under 70, but it was real windy.  However we had a blast.
It was McKay's first trip to the beach!
 Ice cream!

 We stayed at Alex's parents' house for the weekend.  So the next day we took a trip to go see Sand in the City.  It was pretty cool to see all the sculptures built.
This was Clifton's favorite sculpture.

We had the family birthday party at Alex's parents house.  For dessert Alex wanted blackberry cobbler. 
 So Clifton, Grandma, and Aunt Rebecca got busy picking blackberries.  Clifton really enjoyed picking the berries and did pretty good at getting the black ones.

The boys trying to finish up the painting job!

We also got to go to Alex's friend's wedding reception.  It was good to see old friends.
They had bubbles at the table.  Clifton liked trying to blow them.  Silly face:)

All in all it was a wonderful week.  We had a terrific trip and loved being together as a family.  I love my little family!

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