
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Alex! (2012)

Updates on Clifton -
He is starting to explore and test his limits.  He has been able to open doors for a while but now has a interest in opening them and getting things out.  Sadly child lock is going to have to go on a few of them (where the arts and crafts and food is).  He also seems to explore and do things when I am putting McKay down for a nap or showering.   The last few times I have showered the boys have done something inappropriate.  Turning on the TV used to work to keep their attention while I showered but it no longer does the trick.
So I have to put them in my room so I can see them while I am showering.  Of course they think it is a privilege:)  I am not sure how to teach them but right now I am trying to teach the word trust.  I know that is a big word/concept but I hope to teach him that he gets to do things when I trust him (he has to prove me I can trust him).  If I cannot not trust him then things get taken away.
 But I still enjoy my silly little man:)

Updates on McKay -
She is moving more and more.  Her knew thing is trying to pull herself up onto everything.
I came to get her one morning and saw she had pulled herself up and was smiling her big proud smile.   Gates are officially going up.  She also crawled on her hands and knees a few times but then went back to her army crawling.  But she can do it!

I know this will gross some of you out, but McKay loves feet.  She is always trying to munch on my toes or just play with them.  I had to take a picture and then I quickly took my toe out of her mouth.  It is not something I let her do often, but she sure tries.

Monday was Alex's birthday!  He does not like making a big deal out of his birthday, which is hard for me because I do!  But I tried to hold myself back and did not do much.  The boys and I decorated and made signs.
 We made him run through it when he got home from work.
 We also made cupcakes (don't judge me on my cupcake frosting.  I am not skilled in that department:).  I will just blame it on the boys, they helped.
It was a simple way to let him know I am happy he was born!  We then went out to dinner as a family.

Just trying to keep the boys busy and happy.
 Truck painting (Clifton's favorite)
 Playing with pipe cleaners.
More painting!
I took Clifton back to Play Kitsap and took Evan, too.  He liked it even more with Evan there.  It was fun.
 McKay and I even got in one of the bounce houses and jumped with the boys.

We spent a day cleaning our cars.  Clifton loves this job! 
He also loves to try and get Daddy wet.
 He is a good helper.

 Nice and clean.  We are trying to sell our car and use that money to put down for a new van.  I know I can trade it in but I feel like I might be able to get more if someone bought it.  We will see.  I have loved this car and it has been pretty good to me but it is time for us to part our ways.  Alex and I went van shopping Friday.  We have 3 vans we like.  We want either a Toyota Sienna, Honda Odyssey, or Volkswagen Routan.  So we are keeping our eyes out for a good price on one of them.

Two things I had to share.
 1.  I was driving in Port Orchard and was stopped at a red light.  I saw a car in front of me turn and a sign caught my attention.  It was a detour sign and to me it looked like it was taking me to Burger King.  I quickly took a picture.  I think they are trying to tell me something.  It made me laugh:)  
 2.  I went to a couple of garage sales in my neighborhood and came across a Mickey and Minnie outfit.  That is exactly what I wanted Clifton and McKay to be for Halloween!  And it only cost me ten dollars.  SCORE!
Well the end of our week started to become a sick one.  Clifton got sick with a high fever and then McKay.  It has been a sad and tiring weekend at the Peterson's.  But hoping all will feel better soon!

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