
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Clifton is THREE!

Clifton -
Well he is no longer my baby.  He lets me know that often:(  He is now my BIG boy!  He turned three!  He has been such a joy to have in our lives.  We have loved him so much from the first moment we met him and our love for him just keeps growing.  We love his silly ways and how he can always get us giggling.  He is such a wonderful spirit! 
We threw away his potty chair because he is now "too big" for it.  I hate potty chairs.  So I am happy to get rid of it.  He fights a little to go potty now but he will get over it soon, hopefully!  We got a toilet seat that has a potty seat built into it.

She is continually adding more words into her vocabulary.  New words this week - grandma, sucker, tractor, one, two, and three.  She also makes tons of animal sounds.  She moos, meows, barks like a dog, quacks, caws like a crow, and baas.  It is super cute!  I love this stage.  They learn and grow so much and it is fun to watch.

Monday was Clifton's birthday.  He is at an age where he understands it is a special day so I really wanted to make it special.  So I decorated the downstairs with streamers and balloons.  And I made a birthday chair for him.
It was so cute to see his little face light up when he walked downstairs and it was all decorated. He was so happy and felt very special!

That day we went to Chuck E Cheese.  I have not been since I was a kid.  We had Clifton's friend Benson join in on the fun as well.
It was a fun morning.

Then after nap another friend invited Clifton over to jump on their trampoline.  Another great way to make Clifton's day.
Of course McKay had to join in on the fun:)  She is crazy!  She was out there jumping along with the big kids.  
Later that day Clifton choose McDonalds to go for his dinner (fancy, huh?) and we got some ice cream. It was a wonderful day celebrating my little/big man!

Later in the week we got shaving cream out to play in.  Always a big hit.
Great fun for hours.  McKay even got a little into it this time.

Then we had did some painting this week as well.  These kiddos love painting!
Love love love this picture!

Friday night we had Clifton's birthday party.  A long time ago I asked Clifton what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said superheroes. So we did that this year.  
Alex put the invites together and they turned out ridiculously cute!
It took me a couple tries but the cake turned out pretty cute!
I really liked how the cupcakes turned out:)
All dressed up like superheros!
We ate pizza, decorated capes, dressed up, put on tattoos, and best of all captured a bad guy (Alex).
Alex is such a good sport!  Clifton loved spraying the bad guy/Daddy.  It freaked a few kids out like McKay, but was really fun.  Clifton's party was a blast!

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