
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
He has been surprising me with how many songs he knows.  I have always sang to him  but he has not been one to sing along, until just lately.  My favorite song to hear him sing is "I am a Child of God".  It melts my heart!
He is still asking "Why?" all day long and sometimes it does not end.  When he asks "Why?" I explain the answer.  Then he asks "Why?" about my answer.  That continues for a while until either I give up or he is satisified.  I know he is learning by asking questions, but I just can't believe how many times he asks.
The other thing Clifton is doing right now is saying "I told you."  If we forgot something or he wants something he will say "I told you."  Like we forgot his potty at a friend's house the other day and he said "I told you to grab it."  He obviously did not or we would have forgotten it.  It is not my favorite thing he does:(
Clifton and I being silly and starting to prepare for his birthday party!

Updates on McKay -
She calls everyone and everything Daddy.  No joke!  I am Daddy, Clifton and Evan are Daddy.  All day long it's Daddy Daddy Daddy.  She loves her Daddy!
Words McKay says - hi, shoe, doggie, kitty, flower, tractor (I am sure Clifton taught her that one), love you, mommy, and of course Daddy.  She is talking more and more and imitates us all the time.
She loves being outside and able to wonder.  So hopefully we can get more sun and some warmer weather soon so we can all play outside and be happy.
McKay loves to cuddle it is so cute!  (I know I am going to get people asking if I am pregnant because of this photo and the answer is no.)

This week for FHE we talked about water.  The ocean, rivers, etc.. We talked about how we need water and how we use it.  We explained that Heavenly Father made water.  So for our activity we decided to go swimming.  My kids loved it when we went swimming at the hotel in California so I figured we should do it again.

And it was a big hit.  The kids loved it!

Thursday we went to the mall to go play at the little play area, but when we walked in they had this thing set up and kids' music was playing.  So we decided to go check it out.  It was a kids' club set up by National Geographic.  They do it once a month.  We all liked it.  They had dancing time, art, talked about a specific animal for a little, and then a fun little activity.  This time it was about an arctic hare.
So the made little hats to wear.

Then of course I forgot the hats there:/ And then they were able to go up on stage and show off their hats.

I was surprised when Clifton went up and told everyone his name.  He is usually my shy boy around people he does not know.
Then the had a little egg hunt.  Which was of course the favorite activity, because it meant CANDY!

It was a fun event that I think we will try to go to every month.

This week was Dr. Seuss's birthday.  So the kids made Cat in the Hat hats.  I cut white strips and they glued them onto the hat.  This boys love to use glue sicks.

I had a really hard time getting back into the routine of things and being happy to be home.  I love home but I sure missed having no worries, nothing to clean, and sunshine in California.  But thank goodness I have friends that help make me happy and get me out doing things again.

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