
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Portland Trip

Updates on Clifton -
He is such a little talker.  He has so many stories to tell and things to talk about.  He says some of the silliest things and remembers lots of things that he has seen, heard, or done.  One of the silliest things he said this week was after I asked him if he knew what being patient means.  He said "Ya I do.  It means to wait for someone to make cookies."

Updates on McKay -
New words - grandma, grandpa, welcome, pancakes, and going.
I have finally started time outs (I struggle when to start because I want to make sure they understand).  She totally understands and now that means I have lots of work to do.  I actually have to discipline:/  But it is a good thing.  Clifton has had things unfair around here for him because she was"a baby" but now things well get a little more even.

This week for FHE we went on a picnic at the lake with some friends since it was a descent day of weather.
 It really was not that warm but they wanted to play in the lake.
 Clifton walking with his friend.  Cute!

The rest of the week it rained...
We painted, played in shaving cream, bubbly water, beans, and with balloons.
And when it was not raining we were outside splashing in the puddles:)

Friday we traveled down to Portland to visit with family and to see my brother beautiful new house.
 Clifton loved seeing all of his cousins and having more friends to play with.  The first night Clifton really wanted to sleep with his cousins.  So we thought we would give that a try.  However Alex and I did not have high hopes.  Clifton has an amazing talent of not sleeping.  Anyway two out of the three fell asleep, the one awake was of course Clifton.  We finally took him to bed with us when we went to sleep.
We had fun just visiting with everyone.  Clifton did not want to leave.
Saturday we went to the aquatic center in Portland.  The kids had fun they were a little overwhelmed by the crowd of people.  But we had fun swimming.  Clifton liked the wave pool the best.  He begged to go down the big slide, but was too afraid to go down the little slide:)

A great weekend in Portland! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stomach Bug

Updates on Clifton -
Lately he has become quite the boss.  He seems to be a rule follower which is good but he expects everyone to follow the same rule and will let them know when they are doing something wrong or against our rules.  He especially likes to parent/boss McKay!  I am guessing thats a normal attribute for the first/eldest child.

Updates on McKay -
New words - pretty, okay, potty, poop, and sorry.
She is our strong willed, tell you how it is child.  She often fake cries (which makes me laugh) to get attention.  She sure is silly.  She does some silly things that makes up for the dramatic attitude she has.  Plus she is wicked cute!

This week was a tough one:/  Monday morning Clifton woke up bright and early throwing up.  And spent the rest of the day throwing up everything.  Tuesday he was done throwing up so I was glad it was a 24 hour bug.  Then Wednesday McKay started throwing up bright and early in the morning.  And spent the whole day throwing up.  At the end of the day I thought this would all be behind us.  But in the middle of the night both kiddos woke up throwing up.  They stopped by Thursday but the rest of the week was diarrhea and no body eating, which was causing them to be real grumpy.  The positive thing about this is Clifton took a nap everyday this week!  It was a long week of sickness, but by Friday we were able to get out a little and play.

Saturday the Sounders played.  They were playing against the number one team in our division so they needed all the support they could get.  I am a firm believer in if I am wearing their shirt the day they play they have a better chance at winning.  SO we all got dressed up in our Sounder's tie dye shirts I made.
And they WON!!!! 4-2 which I told Alex they got 4 points for each of us wearing the shirt:)  Great game!

That day Clifton really wanted to have a picnic outside but it was wet and drizzly so it was not a good idea.  But he would not let it up.  So we had a picnic on the living room floor.
Which was real fun!

We had our car fixed this week (since we hit a deer).  I just have to say how THANKFUL I am for my friends.  I am so blessed.  As soon as friends found out we hit a deer and our other car broke down we had at least three people offer a car to us to use ALL week.  I seriously live in a great place surrounded by wonderful people.  We used our friends, Brooke's car.  They are such nice people, they are always willing to give of themselves and there time to help.  They are great examples to us! I will do everything in my power to try and repay them for letting us use their car all week.
Clifton helped wash our friends car before returning it!  He loves playing with the hose.

I am also thankful for my friend Cheryl, too!  Clifton woke up sick Monday when we had scheduled to take the car to the shop.  We tried loading up the kids and taking them, but Clifton threw up in the car right as we were leaving.  So I did not hesitate to call Cheryl and ask for help.  And of course being the wonderful woman she is she followed Alex to the shop and brought him back for me.  Though this week was a hard one for us we had wonderful come about.  We realized how amazing our friends are.  And how many people around us are wiling to help us out.  We are extremely blessed!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Updates on Clifton-
We are struggling with making a schedule with some days napping and some days not.  He is often super tired but refuses to sleep and that makes for a long day.  This transition is proving to be a hard one.

Updates on McKay -
New words - baby and water
She loves ducks/birds!  Any time she sees a duck/bird she quacks.  I think it is so cute.

This week we had some more great weather.  So more time outside playing!
 They love playing in the sprinklers and I am water the grass at the same time:)
 Yum, frozen yogurt!
Our friends were at the park and we joined in on blasting rockets off.  Clifton LOVED it!
Don't do it McKay!

We had fun inside as well!
 We made a ramp for our cars to go down.  The boys loved this.
This is what happens when I turn my back for two seconds:/  For some reason she thought eating the marker was a good idea.
Clifton copied the shapes of pattern blocks all by himself.  He was so proud as you can tell!

This weekend we went to a Sounders game (Alex's anniversary gift).
It was so fun!  I love going to the Sounders games.  Probably one of my favorite things to do.  One day when we are filthy rich (hey a girl can dream) we will have season tickets for our kids and everything.  I wish!  I cannot wait to go again.

After the game we meet up with Alex's family and had a Mother's Day picnic.
Always fun to get together with the Peterson's!  I have a wonderful mother in law and my kids love her dearly.  We are very lucky to have her in our lives.

Mother's Day - Alex made me french toast and took care of most of the kids needs.  He is a great husband!  I have a wonderful mother and we all love her so very much.  She has always been a fun and happy mother that I could turn too.  We did not spend Mother's day with her but we let her know how important she is too us.  Love you Mom!  And my kids love you Grandma!
I LOVE being a mom.  It is the toughest and hardest thing I have ever done,  but it is also the BEST thing I have ever done.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Updates on Clifton -
His napping has been on and off.  Some days he naps and some he does not.  I'll take what I can get:)

Updates on McKay -
New words - movie (she likes movie/tv. She would watch it all day if I let her)
She is talking talking.  She has a lot to say and all the time.  Its cute!

Alex left for Georgia for business this week so we had a car, but no Daddy.  However it was a beautiful week!  We had lots to do and time flew by.
Tons of outside time.  We visited lots of parks and had tons of fun!  I love playing with my kiddos:)

We also washed the car so it would be nice and clean for Daddy to take to work when he got home from Georgia.
 Always fun to do!
This what happens when you ask a three year old to take in the roll of paper towels:(

Saturday we went to pick up Daddy from the airport!!!!  We were all excited to see him.
We love having Daddy home!

Sunday on our way to church we hit a deer.  It was on the side of the road by the trees and Alex saw it right before we came up to it and said deer.  I heard him but before I had time to react it jumped right in front of the car.  And we hit it!  I never had time to brake so we hit it full speed.  Our car did what it should and we barely felt the hit.  The kids did not even notice.  We got a dent and walked away safely.  We are lucky and when we hit the deer it flew to the side of the road so we did not have to go drag it off the road.
From two cars to one car to no cars in a couple weeks:/

Other than the deer we had a wonderful week!