
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Trek 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He is being really testy and defiant lately.  He is trying to see what he can get away with.

Updates on McKay -
She can walk up the stairs without using her hands!

It was a hot week here.  So a ton of water play:)
Water is always fun!

This week was our stakes trek.  Alex and I were asked to be a Ma and Pa.  We have be super busy trying to get things together to go.  Clifton helping us get ready:)

My mother in law was awesome and came to watch our kids at our house while we were at the trek.  I knew this would be hard.  I have not left my kids over night and not for two nights and three days.  But I knew we were asked for a reason and that we should do it.
So away we went bright and early Thursday morning.  I was nervous to meet our kids that would be in our trek family.  Afraid I would not be what they needed, they would not like me, or I would have to push them and be too hard on them (I'm not a quitter).  However we got a great group of kids!  I know that they were prayerful in that decision!
 He was looking mighty fine all dressed up as a pioneer:)
Before I got all sweaty, dirty, and smelly.
Peterson family!!!!
Playing stick pull!  I even took on Alex.  And I lost, of course!
Family against family tug-a-war!  We won:)
Ma and Pa kissing and grossing out our kids!

We seriously had a wonderful and crazy experience.  We pulled hand carts three days and about 8 miles each day.  Except one day when we got lost and walked almost a mile in the wrong direction:/ Oops!  Along the way they had actors/actresses acting out scenarios that actually happened like missing kids or family members, sick people, people turning back and quitting, etc...  They did such a great job planning and making the experience realistic.  One morning the kids had to pull carts up a huge hill and with out the Ma and Pa's.  It was great to see them working hard and working together.  Instead of just doing it once as a family.  All the families worked together to get the 15 hand carts up the mountain.  We also had a challenge that was unexpected.  A huge thunder and lighting storm with a flash flood!!!! It was the craziest storm I have ever seen and we were out open to it.
We were the only girls that stayed dry!  My girls were smart and reacted fast!  It was very scary to be out in the open field watching this storm all around us but we survived.  Since the majority of the youth were wet it was decided we needed to get to shelter for the rest of the night.  So we contacted the local bishop for help and members that we have never met before came and shuttled all 180 people to the church and provided us with blankets at 2 am.  The next day we were running on a few hours of sleep.  So we had to decide what to do.  We left it to the kids to decided.  Almost all the kids decided that we needed to trek to our final destination.  They did not want to give up and knew that the real pioneers had to keep going.  I was so proud of the youth that day.  They trekked and trekked with great attitudes.  It was such a great experience!

My kids did great with Grandma P.  She is such a wonderful women to be willing to help out.  My kids loved having Grandma and really did not mess me at all (which hurts a little, but it is good).  When I got home Clifton asked where Grandma was and he did not want me:/  I am glad they had fun and glad they got to spend quality time with Grandma.  I cannot thank her enough for helping us out and taking such good care of my babies!

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