
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Alex's Birthday Weekend 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He is getting to be more and more independent.  This week he got up poured himself a bowl of milk and cereal.  I like it:)
Clifton has learned how to cross his eyes.  One day he was sitting there and said hey mom look at me and he was crossing his eyes.  He makes me laugh.
Clifton loves taking pictures.  Here are some he took this week.  He tells us what we should be doing and if we are doing it wrong.  Its cute!

Updates on McKay -
She is having a hard time sleeping.  Waking up crying at least four times every night.  I hope we can figure out what is going on and start sleeping through the night.

For FHE we learned about plants.  Then we planted some flowers a few fruits.  I know it is late but better late then never, right?

The kids had a lot of fun helping and are good at reminding me to water them.  It turned out real nice.

Alex's birthday is next week so we decided to celebrate his birthday this weekend.  We started out by doing one of his favorite things: Mountain biking!
We had fun!  Well hopefully Alex did.  I slowed him down.  This is only my second time biking on anything besides pavement.  I am from the city I grew up biking on roads.  It took me a while before I got the hang of it.  It actually seemed to take a big crash to get me used to it.  I know that sounds silly.  But I was so scared of falling that I would not go fast.  But when I fell I realized that its going to happen no matter what.  I had to get use to the feeling of almost falling:)  It really made me understand what Alex loves so much.  It made me realize how hard it is.  I never thought it was easy but it is really hard.  It takes both physical and mental strength to do it.  I think I will try again with Alex, if he lets me.  But I am sure I will never be big into or be super good at it.

My parents came to town Friday night to visit and to watch our kids while I take Alex to the Sounders game Saturday night.  The kids loved having them and so did we.
Playing Uno Attack.
Saturday we spent the morning on the bay.  The tide was out so we were having fun exploring.  We found little crabs under rocks, a ton of clams, shells, hermit crabs, etc...  It was a fun morning!

Doing our nails for the Sounders game:)
That night we went to the Sounders' game.
The seats we got were the best seats we have been in ever!  Real close to the field and the players.  I seriously felt like I could reach out and grab them:)  It was a great game and they announced a new player we just got.  Which is a big deal so it was cool to be there for that.  A great night!

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