
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Picnic at the Bay

Updates on Clifton -
It is official, no more nap time for Clifton.  We are working on quiet alone time but he has a hard time staying in his room or playing by him self.

Updates on McKay -
She is at the "no mine" stage.  Anyone looks at something she wants she screams at them.

My kiddos are so full of silliness.
This is how we do shopping:)
And this is how Clifton helps do the dishes.

Clifton had an improvement at one of his swimming lessons this week.  He jumped in, practiced kicking, and made bubbles.  I was so proud to watch him get over a fear.
And of course my crazy man is doing great at tumbling:)

Thursday was a beautiful day so we went down to the bay and had a picnic.
It was a fun evening playing in the sand and water.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Swimming and Tumbling Lessons

Updates on Clifton -
He is really loving superheroes right now.  He loves dressing up like one, pretending to be one, talking about them, and watching them.  It is fun because I have always liked the superheroes as well and enjoy watching them with him.  However it does lead to a lot of "hi-ya's" and rough play.

Updates on McKay -
She is making sentences.  She is a talker.  She knows a lot of her shapes and letters.  She can also count to five and to ten with a little bit of help.  I think she is a really smart girl and love watching her learn.  She loves preschool just as much maybe even more than Clifton!

My kiddos being silly!

Monday we had a beautiful day so after preschool we went to play at the bay.
 They found a huge caterpillar and watched it for a long time.  It was actually really cool to see it leave its foot prints in the sands.  Looked like little tire marks.
 Playing in the water.
Another beautiful shot taken by Kathryn:)  I am so blessed to have talented friends!

Tuesday the boys had their first swimming lessons!
It was scary for them but they both went.  They did not fully participate but it will take them a while.  However I am proud of them for going, thats the first step right:)

Friday Clifton had his first tumbling class.  And just as I suspected he LOVED it!  It was extremely cute to watch them run around having fun!  No fears at all in this class:)
It was a fun morning:)

That night was a Sounders game!  A big one at that.  We were in second taking on first place.  And if we won we would take first!
And we won!!!!!  We went with friends and had a blast!  Hopefully I did not scare them with my crazy cheering:)

Saturday Rebecca and I did a Scavenger Dash in Seattle!
It was a ton of fun.  Sadly it took us almost 4 hours which was a little long.  But we still had a blast.  Jogging/walking around Seattle for 4 hours is no joke, I was extremely exhausted afterwards.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We Love Washington!

Updates on Clifton -
We are struggling with nap time.  I cannot figure it out or maybe I just don't want to let go of nap time.  If he naps he does not go to bed till 10 or later.  He will stay in his room and sing or something till he falls asleep but I feel bad having him just sit there.  But if he does not nap around 6 I am pulling my hair out.  He will be so whiny and aggressive.  Also he wakes up so early so I feel he needs a nap.  Ah tough transition!
He sure is super cute and super silly though!  My good friend took some more pictures of my little ones.  And they turned out great!!  I cannot thank her enough for all these wonderful photos:)

Clifton played well at soccer again this week!  He wanted to be goalie for the game and so I let him take a turn.  He blocked one of the goals.  It was super cute to see him smile so big when people were cheering for him!  It made everything worth it:)

Updates on McKay -
She is at a super fun stage right now.  For the most part she is happy and play wells.  I am enjoying her personality and love her so insanely much.
She is seriously the most beautiful girl I know!  Kathryn again took these wonderful photos!

McKay can officially climb up our park play ground now all by herself.
She is our monkey!  I am happy she can do it.  Now that means a little less picking her up.

This week for preschool we started a new theme, oceans.  And since we live right next to one we spent a lot of time at the bay explore and loving the beautiful place we live.
I really do love Washington!

Later this week we went swimming so we can get the boys use to the pool before they start swim classes next week!
They love the water and are getting over their fear of it.  It makes me so happy to see them get over a fear!

Last week we scored a new toy at a garage sale for a good price.
We have been playing with it all week.  McKay LOVES to drive it!  And Clifton actually likes sitting in the passengers seat while she drives.  So its a great toy for us!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day Weekend 2013

Updates on Clifton -
He loves taking pictures.  And I love what he captures.  It is so fun to look back through the pictures with him.

Updates on McKay -
She is sleeping through the night!!!!  Hopefully I am not jinxing it now:/
She loves singing songs.  It is so cute!

For FHE this week we went bowling.  The kids played all ten turns and had a blast!
We also played some arcade games after.

Wednesday the library had a super hero reading party.  My kiddos love to dress up and the boys love pretending to be super heroes.
The beautiful picture of McKay and the boys are taken by a my good friend Kathryn.  I love them.  It was a fun morning:)

Wednesday we had a BBQ with some of Alex's coworkers.  It was a fun night and we had beautiful weather that day.
They love BBQ chips!

Thursday at soccer Clifton played the whole time at practice and in the game.  It made me so happy!
I love that he is making more friends:)

We got some rain this week.
So we watched it rain and even played and danced in it.  We love Washington and have missed the rain the last few months:)

Friday night our good friends invited us over to do sparklers.  Oh man was Clifton excited:)
Picture credit to Kathryn again.  She is like my own professional photographer and I LOVE it!  It was a fun night.

Saturday we went paint balling with some friends and had a blast!
I am blessed with good friend who are super duper fun!  I got hit in the neck while the ref was trying to fix my broken gun.  It hurt like a mother!!!!

Sunday and Monday we spent the day at Grandpa and Grandma P's.
 Picking blackberries.  McKay LOVED them!!!!  Clifton loved picking them but refused to eat them:/
 Boys played wiffle ball!
 Clifton cheering on daddy.
 Celebrated August birthdays:)
And fixing Grandpa's roof.

A fun weekend indeed.