
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We Love Washington!

Updates on Clifton -
We are struggling with nap time.  I cannot figure it out or maybe I just don't want to let go of nap time.  If he naps he does not go to bed till 10 or later.  He will stay in his room and sing or something till he falls asleep but I feel bad having him just sit there.  But if he does not nap around 6 I am pulling my hair out.  He will be so whiny and aggressive.  Also he wakes up so early so I feel he needs a nap.  Ah tough transition!
He sure is super cute and super silly though!  My good friend took some more pictures of my little ones.  And they turned out great!!  I cannot thank her enough for all these wonderful photos:)

Clifton played well at soccer again this week!  He wanted to be goalie for the game and so I let him take a turn.  He blocked one of the goals.  It was super cute to see him smile so big when people were cheering for him!  It made everything worth it:)

Updates on McKay -
She is at a super fun stage right now.  For the most part she is happy and play wells.  I am enjoying her personality and love her so insanely much.
She is seriously the most beautiful girl I know!  Kathryn again took these wonderful photos!

McKay can officially climb up our park play ground now all by herself.
She is our monkey!  I am happy she can do it.  Now that means a little less picking her up.

This week for preschool we started a new theme, oceans.  And since we live right next to one we spent a lot of time at the bay explore and loving the beautiful place we live.
I really do love Washington!

Later this week we went swimming so we can get the boys use to the pool before they start swim classes next week!
They love the water and are getting over their fear of it.  It makes me so happy to see them get over a fear!

Last week we scored a new toy at a garage sale for a good price.
We have been playing with it all week.  McKay LOVES to drive it!  And Clifton actually likes sitting in the passengers seat while she drives.  So its a great toy for us!

1 comment:

  1. Transitioning for naps is so hard. I am sorry! Abby hasn't been napping for months, but will take quiet time every now and then. McKay is beautiful, and I love Washington too!!!
