
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Picnic at the Bay

Updates on Clifton -
It is official, no more nap time for Clifton.  We are working on quiet alone time but he has a hard time staying in his room or playing by him self.

Updates on McKay -
She is at the "no mine" stage.  Anyone looks at something she wants she screams at them.

My kiddos are so full of silliness.
This is how we do shopping:)
And this is how Clifton helps do the dishes.

Clifton had an improvement at one of his swimming lessons this week.  He jumped in, practiced kicking, and made bubbles.  I was so proud to watch him get over a fear.
And of course my crazy man is doing great at tumbling:)

Thursday was a beautiful day so we went down to the bay and had a picnic.
It was a fun evening playing in the sand and water.

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