
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Horse Back Riding

Updates on McKay -
I love my cuddles and the fact that she wants to be with me, but we are trying to work on not having to hold her all day.  She is getting so big and its time I don't carry her everywhere.
She is a silly girl.  She definitely has her on personality.  One of my favorite things she says or does is when we ask someone if they want to do something she says very cheery, "I DO!"  It is super cute.  She has a cute little voice:)
Love her!

Update on Clifton -
He has always been a talker but he has been talking so much.  He notices everything around him and comments about everything.  It is exhausting sometimes but it is great that he is watching what is going on in the world around him.  He is a smart boy and very observant.

Monday I took the kids horse back riding.  They loved it and I was very surprised that neither of them were scared at all.
They loved it!
However I think Clifton liked the chickens the best:)  This chicken was the friendliest chicken I have ever met and walked right up to us.
McKay waiting her turn to ride the horse.  Looking so big and grown up!

For FHE we talked about kindness.  We decided to do a kindness act - So this week we wrote thank you notes for our sunday school teachers.
A fun night of crafts.

Alex had meetings one night so we went to go hang out with our friends.  We had a PJ party and watched a movie.
We are so blessed to live close to friends and have such great ones:)

Saturday we went swimming.
Always fun to play in the water.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hands on Museum

Updates on McKay -
She is starting to play by herself and pretend play.  I love when they start pretend play.  It is so stinking cute to sit back and watch them play and hear what they come up with.

Updates on Clifton -
We are still struggling with listening to teachers or others when asked to do something:/  He will most likely say no if asked and often needs to be pushed.  Its hard having him in primary with me.  He is actually doing pretty well, but its hard to be there and see him not listening or not doing what he is asked.  Its hard not to step in and let the teachers take care of it.  But really he is doing well as a Sunbeam!

Our good friends were gone for a while visiting Disneyland.  We really missed them and were so happy to have them back.  And they are the best and brought cute things home for our kiddos.  It might be the closes we get to Disneyland:/
We are so blessed to have such great friends!

This week we had fun playing at preschool and going to the Y.  But the main excitement this week was going to the Hands on Museum in Olympia.
We spent a few hours there and still didn't hit up everything.  It was so fun to explore and watch our kids learn and play.  I think Alex's favorite thing was where you could build houses.  It was super cool.  My favorite thing was outside.  They had a wicker fort.  I really would love to have one in my backyard some day:)

Sunday was a big day for Seattle and the kids were getting into the spirit.
 Good friends, good food, and a good game.  It was a fun evening!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

Updates on McKay -
She is doing well at going potty, only a couple accidents this week.  She is starting to tell me when she needs to go but we are still making frequent trips to the potty.  However she is doing well out an about.  When I potty trained Clifton I was scared to leave the house but with her she has done well.

This is McKay's hair almost every morning.  No matter what I do it is crazy and has so many knots.  I feel so bad when I have to detangle that rats nest.
She does pretty well and letting me comb her hair though.
She is my snuggle bug.  No matter where I am she wants me to be holding her or she has to be on me.  I love love her snuggles and the fact that she wants to be with me.

Updates on Clifton -
He had a hard week.  Testing his boundaries and my patience.  I am not sure if it is a phase or growth spurt or something, but he was difficult for me.  It might just be the fact that we had been out of our routine and now trying to get back into it.  However his eating has been good.  Which is very odd for Clifton.  I am hoping that sticks and he is willing to eat more things and try new things.

For FHE we made family goals for 2014.
The kids didn't really get it but it was still good to set some goals for ourselves. Now to accomplish them:)

Well Holiday vacation is over.  Alex went back to work and we went back to our regular routine.  Which I was excited to get back to teaching preschool and going to the Y.  The boys started a hip hop class at the Y this week and they have been so excited.
McKay sure wants to join Clifton in his classes.  I wish she could, she would love to do a dance class.  She loves doing what her brother is doing.

The kids got cute aprons from Grandma S (she made them) for Christmas.  So we decided to put them to good use and make cookies.
They love helping me cook and of course love to eat the treats we make:)

Saturday we spent the day at Alex's brothers watching the Seahawks game and then went to the temple.  Its always nice to see family and to go to the temple.
Since we were out and about we decided not to have McKay nap.  But when we came home from the temple this is what we found.  I had to take a picture because my kids never fall asleep with noise and people around.  She must have been so tired.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All About McKay

Updates on McKay -
Wow she has had a huge week.  She started potty training and moved into a big girl bed.  And she is getting her last two year molars in.  She is growing up and we sure love her:)
She has done well potty training!  It took a couple days of accidents and now she has figured out how to hold it.  We are working on her telling me when she needs to go so I don't have to put her on the potty every hour or two.  She has told me twice but she is still figuring it out.  I could not be more proud of her!

Updates on Clifton -
He had a really hard time this week with McKay getting a ton of attention.  But as soon as I figured out how to include him things got better.
He is a SUNBEAM!  I have served in primary for three years and I can't believe my baby boy is in there with me now.  I thought it might go bad because of that but he did great.  A few times he tried to come stand next to me while I  conducted but listened when he was told to sit down.  And he went to class willingly.  It was a good Sunday as a Sunbeam.  I am very proud!
He looked so stinking handsome for his big day and he matched his Daddy!

For the New Year I stole my friends idea and we talked about all the exciting things that happened in 2013.  It was fun to look back and remember.  We had a great year!

Clifton and Alex painted and put together McKay's new big girl bed this week.
I think the bed turned out cute and McKay transitioned really well.  She is a good girl!

This week we also had a little princess party at our house with a few friends to celebrate McKay's birthday.
We had fun with some good friends.  The kids dressed up, ate pizza and cupcakes, played and colored huge cardboard castles, and decorated princess hats.  It was a fun party.  McKay really enjoyed it which made me so happy!

Then Saturday we went to Grandma and Grandpa P's house to celebrate December birthdays.  So more celebrating Miss McKay.
She sure is loved and spoiled.  We had a great time!  McKay loves all her new toys so much.  And so do I.  Its fun to have princess stuff in the house:)