
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Getting Back into the Swing of Things

Updates on McKay -
She is doing well at going potty, only a couple accidents this week.  She is starting to tell me when she needs to go but we are still making frequent trips to the potty.  However she is doing well out an about.  When I potty trained Clifton I was scared to leave the house but with her she has done well.

This is McKay's hair almost every morning.  No matter what I do it is crazy and has so many knots.  I feel so bad when I have to detangle that rats nest.
She does pretty well and letting me comb her hair though.
She is my snuggle bug.  No matter where I am she wants me to be holding her or she has to be on me.  I love love her snuggles and the fact that she wants to be with me.

Updates on Clifton -
He had a hard week.  Testing his boundaries and my patience.  I am not sure if it is a phase or growth spurt or something, but he was difficult for me.  It might just be the fact that we had been out of our routine and now trying to get back into it.  However his eating has been good.  Which is very odd for Clifton.  I am hoping that sticks and he is willing to eat more things and try new things.

For FHE we made family goals for 2014.
The kids didn't really get it but it was still good to set some goals for ourselves. Now to accomplish them:)

Well Holiday vacation is over.  Alex went back to work and we went back to our regular routine.  Which I was excited to get back to teaching preschool and going to the Y.  The boys started a hip hop class at the Y this week and they have been so excited.
McKay sure wants to join Clifton in his classes.  I wish she could, she would love to do a dance class.  She loves doing what her brother is doing.

The kids got cute aprons from Grandma S (she made them) for Christmas.  So we decided to put them to good use and make cookies.
They love helping me cook and of course love to eat the treats we make:)

Saturday we spent the day at Alex's brothers watching the Seahawks game and then went to the temple.  Its always nice to see family and to go to the temple.
Since we were out and about we decided not to have McKay nap.  But when we came home from the temple this is what we found.  I had to take a picture because my kids never fall asleep with noise and people around.  She must have been so tired.

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