
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All About McKay

Updates on McKay -
Wow she has had a huge week.  She started potty training and moved into a big girl bed.  And she is getting her last two year molars in.  She is growing up and we sure love her:)
She has done well potty training!  It took a couple days of accidents and now she has figured out how to hold it.  We are working on her telling me when she needs to go so I don't have to put her on the potty every hour or two.  She has told me twice but she is still figuring it out.  I could not be more proud of her!

Updates on Clifton -
He had a really hard time this week with McKay getting a ton of attention.  But as soon as I figured out how to include him things got better.
He is a SUNBEAM!  I have served in primary for three years and I can't believe my baby boy is in there with me now.  I thought it might go bad because of that but he did great.  A few times he tried to come stand next to me while I  conducted but listened when he was told to sit down.  And he went to class willingly.  It was a good Sunday as a Sunbeam.  I am very proud!
He looked so stinking handsome for his big day and he matched his Daddy!

For the New Year I stole my friends idea and we talked about all the exciting things that happened in 2013.  It was fun to look back and remember.  We had a great year!

Clifton and Alex painted and put together McKay's new big girl bed this week.
I think the bed turned out cute and McKay transitioned really well.  She is a good girl!

This week we also had a little princess party at our house with a few friends to celebrate McKay's birthday.
We had fun with some good friends.  The kids dressed up, ate pizza and cupcakes, played and colored huge cardboard castles, and decorated princess hats.  It was a fun party.  McKay really enjoyed it which made me so happy!

Then Saturday we went to Grandma and Grandpa P's house to celebrate December birthdays.  So more celebrating Miss McKay.
She sure is loved and spoiled.  We had a great time!  McKay loves all her new toys so much.  And so do I.  Its fun to have princess stuff in the house:)

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