
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hands on Museum

Updates on McKay -
She is starting to play by herself and pretend play.  I love when they start pretend play.  It is so stinking cute to sit back and watch them play and hear what they come up with.

Updates on Clifton -
We are still struggling with listening to teachers or others when asked to do something:/  He will most likely say no if asked and often needs to be pushed.  Its hard having him in primary with me.  He is actually doing pretty well, but its hard to be there and see him not listening or not doing what he is asked.  Its hard not to step in and let the teachers take care of it.  But really he is doing well as a Sunbeam!

Our good friends were gone for a while visiting Disneyland.  We really missed them and were so happy to have them back.  And they are the best and brought cute things home for our kiddos.  It might be the closes we get to Disneyland:/
We are so blessed to have such great friends!

This week we had fun playing at preschool and going to the Y.  But the main excitement this week was going to the Hands on Museum in Olympia.
We spent a few hours there and still didn't hit up everything.  It was so fun to explore and watch our kids learn and play.  I think Alex's favorite thing was where you could build houses.  It was super cool.  My favorite thing was outside.  They had a wicker fort.  I really would love to have one in my backyard some day:)

Sunday was a big day for Seattle and the kids were getting into the spirit.
 Good friends, good food, and a good game.  It was a fun evening!

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