
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Go Sounders!

Updates on Clifton -
We introduced reading to Clifton.  He is very excited to read!  He is a smart boy and I love the fact that he is excited to learn.  Its only been a couple days and he enjoys it so hopefully he will keep that excitement up.

Updates on McKay- 
She went two days without a nap and if she does nap they are pretty short.  I guess we are getting closer to the no nap phase.  Which makes me a little sad.  First that she is getting so big and second because that means no nap:(

Alex spent the week in Florida for work (lucky).  But thankfully we are blessed to live in a world of great technologies.  We were able to FaceTime Alex all week.  We even did FHE over FaceTime.  It meant so much to the kids to be able to see Alex everyday even though he can't be here.
We talked about reverence and how we should use our body to be reverent.

We had one beautiful day this week and we took advantage of that!
I am so excited for summer and more sunshine!

We hate when Daddy has to leave town for work but it helps us remember how much we really do love him.
We made a cute sign to welcome Daddy home.  And we were so glad to have him back!

Saturday Alex and I got to go to the first match of the Sounders season.  We are so excited for the season to start again.  Love the Sounders!!!!
And man did it rain that day:/ (the reason for the sad faces).  It is kind of funny... we got great seats, four rows from the field!  We don't normally find seats this close in our price range so we jumped on it when we saw them.  We normal sit probably back 5-10 more rows.  We noticed if we would have sat in our normal seats we would have been dry.  It was covered. 
Oh well... I made awesome ponchos a couple years ago and we finally get to use them!  It was so fun.  And we won!  We have a ton of new players, so it will be a different season.  But I am so looking forward to more games and hopefully more wins!
The kids are just as excited about the Sounders season starting as we are.  Clifton is so excited he wants me to get his ball out and he will show us his moves.  Silly boy!  I love that they love it as much as we do.  GO SOUNDERS!

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