
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clifton Turns Four!

Updates on Clifton -
He turned four!  And we had a blast this week celebrating him.
We bought him a bike for his birthday and hoped he would want to practice biking.  He has always gotten frustrated with the process of learning and quickly gives up.  But this week we had some success.
He writes his name all by himself.

Updates on McKay -
She is doing great with being a big girl and going potty.  We are at a point were she will tell us when she needs to go and we don't have to take her every hour or two.  Which is really nice.  She also has had a few dry nights.  So hopefully we will be done with diapers at night time soon.

I needed to pick up some caterpillars from the Bugs Museum so we could watch them turn into butterflies at our preschool. So we made a quick trip the Bug Museum.
Always a fun place to go.

For FHE it was St. Patricks day so we did a lesson around that.  My sister in law gave me a wonderful idea.  She was making clovers and putting their blessings on clovers and sticking them on her door.  The concept of we are not lucky but blessed.  So we did that:)  And we made lucky charm rice crispies.
And yes I picked out the marshmallows from the lucky charms and ate them!

Clifton's birthday was Tuesday.  So we celebrated!  For his special day he requested going to Chuck E Cheese and getting Costco pizza for dinner.
We had so much fun playing together as a family.

Thursday Alex had an early basketball game so we were able to go and cheer him on.  We decided to make signs.
I told Clifton the letters and her wrote it by himself.  He is getting so good.  I love watching my kids learn and grow.
Go Daddy!

Saturday was Clifton's birthday party.  This year he wanted to go ice blocking.  He told me the list of people he wanted to come and what he wanted to do and eat.  He is so big!
Clifton is very much loved!  He has great friends and we all had a wonderful time playing together.
Alex and I even got to get a race down the hill in:)  I lost:/  Next time!

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