
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Grandpa and Grandma Stanley Visit

Update on Clifton -
He is definitely a boy!  He now thinks tooting and pooping is hilarious.  And will crack up (like almost in tears) talking about either.  Boys they are gross:/
He is starting to understand simple math.  He will say things like I want three and I have two so I need one more.  I love watching him learning and be curious especially without me initiating it!

Updates On McKay -
She is my little shadow.  She is attached to me.  Which I actually kind of like.  She stays by me and will be completely happy as long as I am holding her.

Monday my parents came to town to visit for a few days.  The kids and I were excited to see them.  Monday was such a beautiful day that we had to get outside and explore.
It was so gorgeous out we decided to ride the foot ferry for fun.
I cannot wait for more beautiful days like that day.
For FHE since it was a nice day we planted flowers and pulled weeds in my flower/garden beds.
The kids loved pulling weeds and getting dirty.  A wonderful night:)

Tuesday was not as beautiful but we decided to go explore Seattle anyway.
Stealing kisses on the ferry ride:)
The loved "pushing" Grandpa.  They really thought they were pushing him.  
To stay dry we played arcade games and rode the carousal. Then took a ride on the Ferris Wheel.  It was so fun exploring and being out with Grandma and Grandpa.

Wednesday we went to the zoo.
Clifton said his favorite part was the Walrus but from his excitement I think it was the sharks.  I love my kids excitement.  LOVE IT!

Thursday the preschool where I teach had an art gallery of the kids art work.
It was such a cute idea.  They both loved seeing their art work on the wall and showing it off to us.
On our way home the sun was shining on the water and calling my name.  So we decided to stop by Manchester State Park and explore.
I love the place I live.  It is so beautiful!  Rainy but when the rain stops and the clouds clear up its such a sight to see.  A fun night.

Friday we meet with our friends and visited the Bug Museum.  Its always fun to get together with the Nani's!
And the Bug Museum is always fun:)

Saturday was such a wonderful day!  I was able to go to the temple with Alex and good friends that I get to serve with in Primary.  Then that night I was able to watch the General Women's Conference which was wonderful.  Ended a little sad with a Sounders loss:/  But overall a great day!
And Sunday we got to go celebrate Peterson birthdays at Grandma and Grandpa Peterson's.  It was a nice visit and Clifton loved getting spoiled again:)

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