
Monday, April 14, 2014

Vegas Baby!

This week we joined Alex in Vegas.  He went for work and we went to party:)  Since Alex went for work he booked his flight early.  When we went to book ours it was pretty expensive.  So we choose different flights so it could be affordable.

So Monday we dropped Alex off and went to hang out with the Larson's!
Always fun to get together with them.  Clifton and McKay love their cousins.
This is how we got through the airport.  And it went pretty smooth!
They both LOVED the airport.  So much to see and do.  They did amazing on the airplane.  It kind of surprised me:)

Tuesday we went to the Shark Reef.  Clifton LOVED it and says it was one of his favorite things he did on the trip.
It was a fun adventure.

Then we played at the hotel till it was time to pick up Alex.  Our hotel had a putting green on it, so we tested it out.
It was fun.  Clifton was all about it.

That night we walked the strip with Alex.  Clifton saw the Statue of Liberty as we were driving and exclaimed that is the one the minions stole and he wanted to go there.  We explained that there wouldn't be any minions.
Well we were wrong.  Clifton was over the moon when he saw the minion!  He says this was his favorite part of the whole trip.
We also watched the Bellagio fountains and the kids loved watching them.
Exploring in the Excalibur we found a family arcade game place.
Super fun night!  It had so many games.  Plus there were older kids there playing and they gave our kids all their tickets so they could get a prize.  It was so nice of them and made our kids so happy.

Wednesday we went to The Secret Gardens.  We got there a little early so we walked around the Mirage.
The kids loved the large letter chairs.
We stopped to get frozen yogurt and this is how we party in Vegas:)  Silly kids!
Then to see dolphins and tigers.
Oh I was in heaven.  I love dolphins so crazy much.  They are beautiful animals.  And both kids loved watching them.  None of us ever wanted to leave.

After we picked up Alex we ventured out to the Las Vegas Temple.
It was such a huge difference from the strip to the temple.  It was beautiful and Alex's favorite part of the trip.

Thursday I took the kids to the Las Vegas Children's Museum. It was huge and I was impressed!
A fun morning.

That night we walked some of the strip again with Alex.
Some one was all tuckered out.

The weather was so nice and beautiful so we made sure to take advantage of the pool.  Everyday we went swimming!
I sure love the warmth of the sunshine!

Clifton said one of the funniest things while we were in Vegas.  He saw a sign with The Thunder Down Under Men shirtless on it.  He exclaimed, "Look Mom!  It's the Hulk!"  Love him:)
We had a wonderful trip.  I know some people thought I am crazy to take the kids but I am positive they had a blast and I am so glad we got to make fun memories with them.

On my way home we took a late flight and half way through the flight I realized I didn't have my keys to our car parked at the airport.  Alex's flight didn't leave till later the next day:/  I freaked a little and thought I need to tell Alex so he could figure out someone to pick me up or what I should do.  So I turned on my phone and called Alex (I know I am not supposed to do that, but I considered it an emergency).  I tried a few times but it never said it went through.  But come to find out three of the calls went through.  So I pretty much gave Alex a heart attack calling him when I should be on a plane with the kids.  When we landed it was pretty late and I didn't want to wake anyone up.  So I reached out to friends who might be awake.  Luckily the bus to Port Orchard was leaving to Port Orchard shortly after landing and a friend picked me up from the drop off location.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people that are willing to help even when it is so inconvenient.  Even with all that the kids did amazing and I would do it again:)  A wonderful week at the Peterson's!


  1. Sounds like a great trip for your cute little family!! That worked out well that you and the kids could tag along for a vacation while Alex went for work. We're going to do the same thing this summer....Zack has a conference in San Francisco! We have to drive though....gonna be a looong drive! We're thinking about taking a slightly longer route on the way back so we can spend a day or two in it was great to see what you guys did in Vegas to give me some ideas! :)

  2. Fun!!! How long of a drive is that? I love family adventures:) We went to San Fran last year and there was fun things there too. The Golden Gate bridge and the jelly bean factory were favorites. And Vegas was so fun and really a lot to do with family. Have a great trip. I can't wait for pictures.

  3. Sorry, I never got a notice of your reply. I just happened to check. It will be a loooong drive! We will break up the drive to San Fran and do it over 3 days. I think it's about 17 hours. We'll stay a night at my dad's house in SLC, then a night in Reno, then on to San Fran. I definitely want to see the Golden Gate bridge. I didn't know there was a jelly bean factory....that sounds like fun! I bet the kids would love it! Thanks for the idea! What were your favorite things to do in Vegas with your kids? I think we'll go to the aquarium, and there's a knight/jousting show at the Excalibur that is perfect for Zack and Owen (and Leah and I will enjoy it too.)

    1. My favorite thing at Vegas was the Dolphins at the Secret Gardens but the Mirage. But I am obsessed with dolphins so of course it would be:) The hosting show sounds super fun. There was surprisingly so much to do with family there. Just walking around exploring was super fun too. Have a fun trip! Post pictures!

    2. Wow I should have read through that before posting! * by the Mirage and * jousting show.
