
Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He had his four year old check up and he is growing healthy and strong.  However getting him to work with the doctor was a huge trial.  He did not want to be touched by anyone besides me and did not want to cooperate.  After talking to the doctor about him a little more we both thought that he could have a sensory processing disorder.  So she referred us to an OT.  I am not sure where this will go but I am excited to learn about ways I can help him with his fears and anxieties.

Updates on McKay -
She is not napping and I cannot believe she is getting old enough to not have naps:/  I swear she is still a baby.
She loves dancing with me!  I have the best Zumba partner:)

Both kids have been extra cuddly this week and I sure have enjoyed it:)

Monday was a beautiful day so after Zumba we went down to the Silverdale bay.
It was so fun.  The tide was low and there was a ton of little critters out.  There was even a starfish on the dock.  The kids got to touch it and Clifton even picked it up to put back in the water.  A wonderful morning.

For FHE we talked about Easter and the real meaning of this holiday.  Then we decorated eggs.  I saw an idea on pinterest where you color eggs with shaving cream.  Well it was a pinterest fail.  The eggs did not turn out very colorful but it was still a lot of fun.

I got caterpillars at the Bug museum for the preschool I teach at.  So we could watch them grow and turn into butterflies.  Well this last weekend they turned into butterflies and we let them go free.
The kids got to hold them and watch them fly off.  It was a fun process to watch them grow and change.

Thursday the preschool had an Easter party.
We made bunnies ears and decorated bags for candy.  And of course had an Easter egg hunt.  Fun times!

Friday Alex and I got to go on a date.  Since it was a nice day we went to play tennis.
Oh how I love being active with Alex.  I am excited for the weather to keep getting nicer and we can enjoy more outside time together.

Saturday the primary put together an Easter Egg hunt.  Even though it was raining we still had fun.
The Easter Bunny even made and appearance.

This is what I saw when I woke up:(  Luckily we had antibiotics from the last time we had pink eye.  We started putting it in ASAP and McKay's eye seemed irritated as well so we put some in hers too.  Clifton was so sad that he was sick on Easter and knew this meant we could not go to Grandmas and do the Peterson egg hunt.  I went to church to help with primary and Alex stayed home with the kids. By the time I got home his eyes looked a ton better.  Alex's family seemed to still want us so we decided to go and went through a bottle of hand sanitizers.  I am glad we still got to go.  The kids love spending time with their cousins, aunts and uncles.  And I love it too!
 The kids, aren't they cute.
Although Easter started pretty rough it ended great.  And so far it sounds like we did NOT spread germs:)  Another great Easter!

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