
Monday, April 28, 2014

Seven years down... forever to go

Updates on Clifton -
Oh the sun is coming up earlier and earlier everyday which means so is Clifton.  No matter if I have black out blinds he still is up between 5:30-6:30am.  I love the sun but I wish he would sleep until at least 7.  However he does go down very easily at night.

Updates on McKay -
She is a very silly girl.  She continually makes me laugh.
I love this crazy girl of mine:)
Her naps are back thank goodness!  And I hope I have a little longer till no naps.

For FHE we celebrated Earth day.  We had our friends join us for dinner and FHE.  We planted our garden and also planted a few flowers in pots to take care of.
Hopefully our garden turns out again and we can get a few good produce from it.

We have been really enjoying playing games together lately.
Uno is the favorite right now.  I really enjoy playing games with my kiddos.

My kids are silly and decided they needed to wear sunglasses to dinner this week.

I was giving cowgirl boots from a friend!  And the kids were just as excited as I was to have them.
That night Clifton even said he was going to dream about wearing those boots, hat, and go horse back riding with Alex.  Silly kids!

Friday night my mother came to town to help watch our kids for our anniversary.  She is such a wonderful mom to travel up here and spend time with our kids so we could sneak away for a little.  And the kids loved having Grandma here.  My mom took the kids on the Jackson park train and walked the water front while we were gone.  They had so much fun that they didn't even realize we were gone.
Saturday Alex and I went to the Sounders game to celebrate our anniversary.  No better way to celebrate!
Great seats, great weather, and an amazing game!  We could not have asked for a better day:)

We missed our ferry so we got to spend a little extra time in Seattle and decided to play games at the arcade!
It was such a fun and wonderful day!  I am one blessed lady to have such a wonderful husband, father of my children, and best friend.  I can't wait to make more memories with him.

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