
Monday, June 30, 2014

Stanley's 40th Anniversary Party

Updates on Clifton -
Well I thought the number questions would slow down now that he knows most the two digit numbers.  Nope, he has moved on to three digit numbers.  This boy is such a curious boy.  But I see how much he is learning by asking me all this questions so I will keep answering:)
I love this little man of mine.

Updates on McKay -
She seriously thinks she is a cat.  She meows, licks, snuggles like a cat.  Its cute until you want to talk to her and all she says is meows.  She sure is a silly girl!
McKay came down stairs the other day with a baby doll in her shirt and said "look mommy I have a baby in my belly like you!"

So Alex went into the doctors again to get another X-ray after the swelling went done.  And he came home with news that he fractured is ankle and tore a tendon.  So he got booted.
The kids wanted a boot like Daddy so they each wore their rain boot on one foot and limped around the house.  It was quite funny.  Alex has been struggling with getting use to the boot and not having much mobility.  But hopefully he can survive the next month and his ankle heals well.

Monday night for FHE we talked about repentance and baptism.  Since the kids were still talking about the mud run we played in dirt for FHE.
We talked about things we might do that make us dirty (sins) and how we can clean it off (repentance and baptism).  They loved playing in the mud again.

We had a lot of fun with friends this week.
We had some friends over for the USA game and the kids played while we cheered.
GO USA we made it to the next round!
We went on "safari" and had a blast.
Played superheroes!
And played in the sprinkler.

Friday I headed to Portland without the kids to get ready for my parents 40th anniversary surprise party.  My sister in law, who is the best, took the day off and we went shopping all day!  I have to give a huge shout out to Mechelle, my sister in law, she helped out so much!!!!  She is seriously the sweetest person and so selfless.  And I am pretty sure it would not have turned out as nice without her help.  I love her so much and am glad to have her in my life.  Oh ya and my brother:)  No really he is pretty amazing too.
Saturday we decorated and got ready for the party and Alex brought the kids down.
I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  I think it looks better then my reception, kidding but pretty darn close.   A huge thanks to Gabby for making the lovely and tasty cake.
My good friend Angela came and did my mothers hair and make up.  Angela is amazing with prettying people up.  I wish I could carry her in my pocket and keep her with me:)  My mom looked amazing!  And I think the one thing that made all this worth it was to hear my mother say she looked beautiful.  She is a beautiful lady!
We had fun dancing all night!  My husband even limped  around a few songs with me.  Love that guy:)  He was so helpful this weekend even though he was in pain and uncomfortable.
Family pictures!  Almost all there.  Mechelle's sister took pictures for us and she will send them our way soon.  I am excited to see pictures and so thankful she would come do that for us.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Dirty Dash 2014

Updates on Clifton -
He is still really big on numbers, but instead of asking me what the numbers make he tells me what they make.  He knows any number from 0-100.  I am really impressed with his desire to know numbers.

Updates on McKay -
She must be going through a growth spurt.  She is eating like crazy!
Because of Clifton, McKay has now taken interest in numbers and asks what numbers she sees like whats 4 and 5 make.  Its cute to see her want to be like her brother.

First off... we are excited to announce.... Baby Peterson # 3 is due January 2nd.  I would love to have this baby this year or at least on the holiday because we apparently like to do that:)
The kids seem excited.  McKay seems to think she has a baby in her belly now.  And Clifton slept with the ultrasound pictures for a while.

For FHE we went and saw How to Train a Dragon 2.  A cute movie!

During the day USA had their first group game and we won!!!!!!
Great game and even better to watch it with friends:)

Alex was working from home all week since he couldn't put pressure on his foot.  So we were busy taking care of him.
The kids enjoyed pretending to be hurt too.  Silly kiddos:)

We did get Alex out once to Costco.
Where we had a little too much fun driving around on the scooter.  The kids, and possibly Alex, were in heaven.

We got one pretty warm day this week so we took out the sprinkler.
Always fun!

Saturday was the Dirty Dash.  The kids and I were beyond sad Alex could not join us this year:/
However we were still very excited to get muddy!
The gang before the race.  Dirt Never Looked So Good!  A great team and great friends.
After!  Next year I will make sure we are not the last wave (I didn't think we were but we were).  That way we won't feel so rushed to get to the Piglet Plunge.

Piglet Plunge!
I knew Clifton would love it but I was not sure about McKay.  They both LOVED it!  They both did the whole mile by themselves.  Clifton is getting so big it is often hard to believe.  He didn't want my help and didn't need it going up the cargo nets.  McKay was a little slow but insisted she was a big girl and was going to do it all:)  We did have a big fall near the end that made the kids want to just be done but luckily we were right next to the finish.  Hopefully next year I will have a hubby to help:)  Another great year at the Dirty Dash!  Already can't wait till next year.

Sunday was the second game for USA and we got some friends together to watch with us.
Clifton and McKay loved having friends over (especially Scout the dog).  Clifton later told me we should have more soccer parties.  I agree Cliff, I agree!
Oh man it was great game, a minute left and we were ahead by one.  But nope it was quickly taken away and they scored one to tie.  So close to knowing for sure we were moving on.  One more game and we have so much hope.  So excited for Thursday and hope we can pull out a win or at least a tie.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Primary Color Run

Updates on Clifton -
He is quiet our little competitor.  Which has its great moments and its bad moments.  He loves playing sports, racing, and competing.  Which fits in well with this family.  However he makes everything  a competition.  I can eat dinner the fastest, go potty the fastest, etc...
I am excited for soccer this year with him and more sports to come!

Updates on McKay -
I decided to cut McKay some bangs this week because I cannot stand her hair being in her face and neither can she.
I think they turned out pretty dang cute.  She is so stinking cute so that helps:)

For FHE we talked about the wise man and the foolish man.  The kids love this story.  First we built our houses out of blocks and placed one on a pile of sand and the other on a large rock.  Then we got tools out and on those tools were wise and foolish things.  We decided who used which tools (like sharing, helping others, yelling, calling names, etc...).
And then the rain came down!  This was their favorite part.  

This week we spent a lot of time at different parks getting our energy out and playing with friends.
Good friends and fun times!

I turned on the water to water the grass and then put the garbage in the garage and I turn around to see this!
Who needs swim suits?  I guess its better than naked kiddos:)  So I decided Thursday we needed to go swimming.

This week has also been full of tons and tons of soccer.  The World Cup has started and Daddy is around a little bit more to watch it.  
So we have been either watching it or playing it.

Saturday we had a mile Color Run for the children in our ward/church.  I have been planning this fun run for the last couple months and have been super anxious and excited about it.  I think it turned out great, thanks to all the wonderful people who came and helped.  I live in a great place and am surrounded by wonderful people who love to get involved and help.
Don't give me a megaphone:)  Trying to run the show.
After!  Don't judge my hair:)  McKay ended up on my shoulders most of the run.
Yep she ran around so much during set up that she wasn't interested in running or walking but I wanted her to be apart of it and shoot I wanted to be a part of it.  
Clifton got so into it.  I set it up so there was two laps and I was sure he would only be interested in one lap.  But no he RAN the whole two laps and was all about finishing.  That's my competitive boy again.  Super fun morning!!!!

Father's day.  Luckily we celebrated early... because on Father's Day Alex spent the day in pain and at the Urgent Care:/  Hurt his ankle playing soccer.  But prior to that...  
The kids got Alex a shirt for the USMNT game.
For the last couple months I have been saving up money for Alex to get a new mountain bike.  His is about ten years old.  So we went bike shopping.  Nothing bought yet and maybe not for a while now with his ankle being injured:/

Saturday evening we meet Alex's family in Tacoma to have dinner together. 
Always fun to get together!  Happy Father's Day weekend for us:)